- PhD 長庚大學基礎醫學研究所護理組博士
- MS 長庚大學護理研究所老人社區組
- BS 長庚醫學暨工程學院
- 社區衛生護理學
- 社區衛生護理學實習
- 教學原理與方法
- 老人護理學
- 長期照護
- 公共衛生護理學
- 老人心理健康
- 基本護理學實習
- 高級老人社區護理學
- 高級老人社區護理學實習
- 多科際整合之老人照護
- 知心智慧型手機視訊互動方案對護理之家住民及家屬長期健康成效之探討(2021-2024科技部經費)
- 滋養吞嚥運動方案對護理之家住民健康長期成效之探討:以創新非侵入儀器評值(2020-2021科技部經費)
- 第三人生智慧傳承實踐平台:青銀共創(2019-2022 CMRP經費)
- 「手機視訊互動方案」對護理之家失智住民及其家屬健康之影響(2018-2019科技部經費)
- 「智慧型手機視訊用餐方案」對護理之家老年住民健康成效之探討 (2015-2018科技部經費)
- 「住民轉介溝通方案」對提升護理之家住民持續性照護成效之探討( 2012-2015 國科會經費)
- 比較傳統及問題導向學習溝通教育方案對提升護理之家護理人員溝通能力成效之探討:縱貫性研究( 2011-2012 國科會經費)
- 中國老人退化性膝關節炎疼痛:建立疼痛模式及檢測新發展之跨領域疼痛介入方案之可行性(2011-2012 國科會經費)
- 家屬參與型態對護理之家老年住民及其家屬健康之影響:縱貫性研究 (2009-2011國科會經費)
- 跨領域介入性方案對提昇護理之家老人調適經驗成效之探討 (2008-2009 國科會經費)
- 跨領域介入性方案對提昇護理之家老人調適經驗成效之探討 ( 2007-2008 國科會經費)
- 護理之家老人生活經驗模式之建構及測試 ( 2006-2007 國科會經費)
- 台灣地區幼童家長及老人對於預防接種知識、態度及行為之調查研究 ( 2006-2007 疾管局經費)
- 護理之家老年住民入經驗量表之發展及測試 ( 2005-2006 國科會經費)
- 醫護專業術語原住民母語化教材之研究製作及其教學應用 ( 2001-2005 教育部經費)
Wu, C. C. , Tsai, H. H.*, Huang, H. L., Wang, Y. W. , Huang, C. H. , Liu, C. Y. (Online ahead of print.). Depression in nursing home residents and its correlation with meaning of family involvement and depression of family. Int Psychogeriatr.
Huang, L. J., Tsai, H. H.*, Wang, Y. W., & Chou, C. L. (2022). Sailing in a sea of perplexity: Family caregivers' experience of delirium patients. Nursing in Critical Care, 27(1), 73-80.
黎嘉如、蔡秀欣*、郭志熙、王惠玄(2021)•比較不同重返胸腔內科加護病房轉出結果及其相關因素探討•Resuscitation & Intensive Care Med• 6, 11-25。
Tsai, H. H.*, Cheng, C. Y., & Shieh, W. Y. (Online ahead of print.). Effectiveness of laptop-based versus smartphone–based videoconferencing interaction on loneliness, depression and social support in nursing home residents: A secondary data analysis. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare.
Tsai, H. H.*, Cheng, C. Y., Weng, L. C., Shieh, W. Y., & Liu, C. Y. (2021). Motivations for family members’ visits to nursing home residents with dementia in Taiwan: A qualitative study. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 53(1), 87-95.
- Lin, Y. N., Tsai, H. H.*, Huang, H. L., Chang, Y. C. &, Shieh, W. Y. (2020). Rethinking potentially inappropriate medication use in nursing homes within the Chinese population. Geriatric Nursing, 41(6), 724-729. (SCI, IF=1.517).
- Tsai, M. R., Tsai, H. H.*, Tsai, Y. F., & Liao, F. Y. (2020). "Tailoring Homely Meals": Family Members' Motivations Underlying Nursing Home Visits During Residents' Meals. Japan Journal of Nursing Science, 17(4), e12341 . (SCI, IF=0.663).
- Tsai, H. H., Cheng, C. Y., Shieh, W. Y., & Chang, Y. C. (2020). Effects of a Smartphone-Based Videoconferencing Program for Older Nursing Home Residents on Depression, Loneliness, and Quality of Life: A Quasi-Experimental Study, BMC Geriatrics, 20(1), 27. (SCI, IF=2.818).
- 黃麗蓉、蔡秀欣*、王怡文、周俊良 ( 2019)•內科加護病房譫妄病患家屬之調適經驗•長庚護理雜誌,30(4),431-444.
- Schlaeger, J. M., Weng, L. C., Huang H. L., Tsai H. H., Takayama, M., Ngamkhan, S., Yao, Y., & Wilkie, D. J. (2019). Pain Management Nursing. Pain Quality by Location in Outpatients with Cancer, 20(5), 425-431. (SCI, IF=1.252)
- Tsai, H. H., & Tsai, Y. F. (2018). Development, validation and testing of a nursing home to emergency room transfer checklist. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 27(1-2), 115-122. (SCI, IF=1.384)
- Weng, L.C., Huang, H. L., Tsai, H. H., & Lee, W. C. (2017). Predictors of decision ambivalence and the differences between actual living liver donors and potential living liver donors. PLOS ONE, 12(5), e0175672. (SCI, IF=3.057)
- Tsai, H. H., Tsai, Y. F., & Liu, C.Y. (2017). Advance directives and mortality rates among nursing home residents in Taiwan: A retrospective, longitudinal study. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 68, 9-15. (SCI, IF=3.561)
- Tsai, H. H., & Tsai, Y. F., Liu, C.Y. (2016). Repeated hospital transfers and associated outcomes by residency time among nursing home residents in Taiwan. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 17(11), 1020-1024. (SCI, IF=6.616)
- Lee, S. H., Tsai, Y. F.,* Wang, Y. W., Chen, C. Y., & Tsai, H. H. (2016). Development and psychometric testing of the triggers of suicidal ideation inventory for assessing older outpatients in primary care settings. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. [Epub ahead of print] (SCI, IF=2.699)
- Shen, C.J., Huang, H.L., Chen, K.H., Weng, L.C., Wang, S.Y., Lee, W.C., Chou, H.F., & Tsai, H. H. (2016). Comparison of Liver Function, Emotional Status, and Quality of Life of Living Liver Donors in Taiwan. Transplantation Proceedings, 48(4), 1007-11.(SCI, IF=0.867 )
- Tsai, H. H., Tsai, Y. F.*, & Huang, H. L.(2015).Nursing home nurses’ experiences of resident transfers to the emergency department: No empathy for our work environment difficulties. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 25(5-6), 610-8. (SCI, IF=1.384)
- Tsai, H. H., & Tsai, Y. F.*(2015). Attitudes toward and Predictors of Videoconferencing Use among Frequent Family Visitors to Nursing Home Residents in Taiwan. Telemedicine and e-Health, 21(10), 838-844. (SCI, IF=1.791)
- Tsai, H. H., Tsai, Y. F.* Weng, L. C., & Chou, H. F.(2013).More than communication skills: experiences of communication conflict in nursing home nurses. Medical Education, 47(10), 990-1000 (SCI, IF=3.369)
- Tsai, H. H., & Tsai, Y. F.* (2013).Prevalence and factors related to depressive symptoms among family caregivers of nursing home residents in Taiwan. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 48(7), 1145-52. (SCI, IF=2.513)
- Tsai, H. H., Tsai, Y. F.,& Huang T. S (2012). Development and validation of the Family Meaning of Nursing-Home Visits Scale. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 21(15), 2108-2117.(SCI, IF=1.384)
- Tsai, H. H., Tsai, Y.-F. (2012). Family members' perceived meaning of visiting nursing home residents in Taiwan. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 68(2), 302-311. (SCI, IF=1.917)
- Tsai, Y. F., Liu, L. L., Tsai, H. H., & Chung, S. C. (2012). Self-care management and risk factors for depressive symptoms among elderly outpatients in Taiwan. International Psychogeriatrics, 24(2), 278-287. (SSCI, IF=2.22)
- Tsai, H. H., & Tsai, Y. F. (2011). Changes in depressive symptoms, social support and loneliness over 1 year after a minimum 3-month videoconference program for older nursing home residents. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 13(4), e93. (SCI, IF=4.532)
- Tsai, H. H., Tsai, Y. F., Wang, H. H., Chang, Y. C., & Chu, H. H. (2010). Videoconference program enhances social support, loneliness, and depressive status of elderly nursing home residents. Aging & Mental Health, 14(8) 947-954.(SCI, IF=1.861)
- Tsai, H. H., & Tsai, Y. F.* (2010). Older nursing home residents’ experiences with videoconferencing to communicate with family members. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 19(11-12), 1538-1543. (SCI, IF=1.384)
- Tsai, Y. F., Wong, T. K. S., Tsai, H. H., & Ku, Y. C. (2008). Self-worth therapy for depressive symptoms in older nursing home residents. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 64(5), 488-494. (SCI, IF=1.917)
- Tsai, H. H., & Tsai, Y. F. (2008). A temporary home to nurture health: Lived experiences of older nursing home residents in Taiwan. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 17(14), 1915-1922. (SCI, IF= 1.384)
- Tsai, H. H., Chen M. H., & Tsai, Y. F. (2008). Perception of filial piety among Taiwanese University Students. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 63(3), 284-290. (SCI, IF= 1.917)
- Tsai, H. H., & Tsai, Y. F. (2007). Problem-solving experiences among elders living alone in eastern Taiwan. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 16(5), 980-986. (SCI, IF= 1.384)
- Tsai, Y. F., Yeh, S. H., Tsai, H. H. (2005). Prevalence and risk factors for depressive symptoms among community-dwelling elders in Taiwan. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 20, 1097-1102. (SCI, IF=2.699)
- 蔡秀欣、蔡芸芳(2004)•敘事於護理之應用•長庚護理,15(1) ,73-79。
- Tsai, Y. F., Tsai, H. H., Lai, Y. H., & Chu, T. L. (2004). Pain prevalence, experiences and management strategies among the elderly in Taiwanese nursing homes. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 28(6), 579-584. (SCI, IF=2.649)
- Tsai, Y.F., Wong, K. S., Juang, Y. Y.,& Tsai, H. H. (2004). The effects of light therapy on depressed elders. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 19(6), 545-548. (SCI, IF=2.699)
- 蔡秀欣、徐亞瑛、盧瑞芬、吳基銓(2002)•環境對出院後三個月髖骨骨折老人生活品質之影響•長庚護理,13(1),11-20。
- 蔡秀欣、徐亞瑛(2002)•SF-36生活品質問卷於髖骨骨折老年患者之適用性探討•新台北護理期刊,4(1),53-64。
- 蔡秀欣、陳美戎、蔡芸芳(2001)•九二一地震災區某鄉村獨居老人憂鬱症狀及其相關因素之探討•慈濟醫學,13(3),169-175。