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Hsing-Yi Yu

Hsing-Yi Yu

Assistant Professor 


Contact Information

  • TEL: +886-3-2118800 ext. 5064
  • FAX: +886-3-2118800 ext. 5326
  • E-mail: kanano@mail.cgu.edu.tw


  • PhD National Yang-Ming University
  • MS  National Yang-Ming University
  • BS   National Taiwan University 


  • 2001   Research Award of National Science Council, Taiwan
  • 2000   Research Award of National Science Council, Taiwan
  • 1999   Research Award of National Science Council, Taiwan
  • 1998   Research Award of National Science Council, Taiwan


  • Sexual health care of adolescents
  • Nursing career developement
  • Health promotion and health behavior of adolescents


  • 人類發展學
  • 兒科護理學
  • 兒科護理學實習
  • 基本護理學實習


  1. "我不孤單”: 新畢業男性護理人員網路社群介入模式的發展及成效探討–延續計畫 (MOST 109-2314-B-182059, NMRPD1K0831, 2020-2021)

  2.   "我不孤單”: 新畢業男性護理人員網路社群介入模式的發展及成效探討 (MOST 108-2314-B-182 -059, MRPD1J1031, 2019-2020)

  3.   間歇性外斜視兒童健康相關生活品質:中文版量表心理計量特性與長期追蹤研究 (National Science Council, R.O.C,  2014-2017)

  4.   回任醫院護理工作之意向、考量與決策分析:未執業護理人員與護理主管的觀點(TWNA, 2010-2011)

  5.   兒童對反式脂肪酸的認識與衛教介入對其飲食行為改善效果研究(NSC, 2010-2011)


  1. Chen, S. H, Yu, H. Y., Hsu, H. Y., Lin, F. C., & Lou, J. H.. (In press).Organisational support, organisational identification, and organisational citizenship behaviour among male nurses. Journal of Nursing Management.(SCI & SSCI)
  2. Chen, S. H., Fu, C.M.,Lou, J. H., Li, R. H., &Yu, H. Y.* (2012). Relationships among social support, professional empowerment and nursing career development of male nurses. Western Journal of Nursing Research,34(7),862-882.(SCI / SSCI) (Corresponding author)
  3. Yu, H. Y., Tan, F. I., Yeh, M. C., Kuo, B. I. T., & Yu, S.*(2011). Use, Perceived Effectiveness and Gender Differences of Pain Relief Strategies among the Community-dwelling Elderly in Taiwan. Pain Management Nursing, 12(1), 41-49.(SCI & SSCI)
  4. Lou, J. H., Chen, S. H., Li, R. H., & Yu, H. Y.* (2011). Relationships between sexual self-concept, sexual risk cognition, and sexual communication amongst adolescents: A structural equation model. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 20(11-12), 1696-1704. (SCI / SSCI) (Corresponding author)
  5. Lou, J. H., Chen, S. H., Yu, H. Y., Lin, Y. C., & Li, R. H. (2010). Sexual Cognitive Predictors of Junior College Adolescents’ Sexual Communication: Viewpoints of Medicine Students. The Journal of Nursing Research,18(4), 290-298. (TSSCI Journal)
  6. Hsu, H. S., Chen, S. H., Yu, H. Y., & Lou, J. H. (2010). Job stress, achievement motivation and occupational burnout among male nurses. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 66(7), 1592-1607.(SCI / SSCI)
  7. Lou, J. H., Chen, S. H., Yu, H. Y., Li, R.H., Yang, C. I., & Eng, E. J. (2010). The Influence of Personality Traits, Social Support on Life Stress of Male Nursing Students: A Cross-Sectional Research Design. Journal of Nursing Research, 18(2), 108-116. (TSSCI Journal)
  8. Yu, H. Y., Tan, F. I., Kuo, B. I. T., & Yu, S.*(2006). Prevalence, interference and risk factors for chronic pain among Taiwanese community older people. Pain Management Nursing, 26(2),2-11. .(SCI / SSCI)
  9. 余幸宜、許秀月、駱俊宏(2007).從賦權觀點探析移植病友團體之現況發展與困境.高雄護理雜誌, 24(1), 82-90。
  10. 余幸宜、于漱、李蘭(2004).老年人之健康促進.台灣醫學,8(4),582-588。
  11. 于漱、余幸宜(2003).社區老人慢性疼痛問題及其處理.護理雜誌,50(3),43-48。
  12. 于漱、余幸宜、李蘭(2002).老人受虐與暴力問題—法律政策面與實務面之探討.護理雜誌,49(6),26-33。