早期失智患者及其家屬之生活品質和相關因素探討 (第一年)
計劃名稱 : | 早期失智患者及其家屬之生活品質和相關因素探討 (第一年) |
計劃編號 : | CMRPD32053 |
補助單位 : | 長庚醫院 |
擔任角色 : | 計劃主持人 |
開始日期 : | 2004/1/1 |
結束日期 : | 2004/12/31 |
計劃摘要 : With a prolonged life expectancy and the increasing number of older population, the prevalence rate of dementia is projected to rise. However, a multi-disciplinary approach focusing on the quality of life (QoL) in demented patients and their family caregivers is minute in Taiwan. Therefore, this prospective longitudinal proposal will determine the QoL and related factors in the early demented patients and their family caregivers. 300 patients with early Alzheimer’s disease (AD) (Clinical Dementia Rating scales = .05, 1, and 2) and 120 family caregivers will be recruited in an outpatient memory clinic in a teaching hospital and a community hospital at northern Taiwan. Non-demented people with and without subjective memory complaints will be recruited to serve as control groups (100 cases for each group) in order to compare with AD patients. AD patients will be measured by their global cognitive functions, functional status, depressive symptoms, QoL, and behavioral problems at the baseline and then repetitively examined every 6 months for two years. Other measurements including biological indicators, such as ApoE 4 and hippocampus atrophy, will be examined at the baseline for further exploring the etiology and pathology of Alzheimer’s disease. Family caregivers will be evaluated on their functional status, depressive symptoms, caregiver preparedness, and QoL at the baseline, and then re-examined every 6 months for two years. Approval of the Institutional Review Boards the two hospitals will be obtained. Statistical analyses include descriptive analyses and Structural Equation Model. The results of this study can assist clinicians in evaluating interventions and treatments, determining the health care resource utilization, cost-effectiveness of dementia care, decision making, and developing clinical guidelines for caring demented patients. (217 words) Key words: dementia, quality of life, ApoE 4, hippocampus atrophy, family caregiving |