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Yen-Fan Chin

Yen-Fan Chin

Assistant Professor 


Contact Information


  • PhD Chang Gung University, Taipei, Taiwan
  • MS  University of Texas, Austin, Texas


  • Diabetic foot


  • Adult Health Nursing
  • Physical Assessment


  1. 賦能介入方案預防足部潰瘍與後續截肢發生之成效:於具糖尿病足部潰瘍病史患者 (2015-2016)
  2. 糖尿病患者出院後的足部潰瘍自我照護行為:預測因素及檢測動機式晤談介入方案成效(2017-2018)

  3. 驗證運用動機式晤談的出院準備計畫對於糖尿病足部潰瘍患者的成效:隨機對照試驗(2020-2021)


  1. Chin, Y. F., Huang, T. T., Yu, H. Y., Yang, H. M., & Hsu, B. R. (2021). Factors related to hospital-to-home transitional self-monitoring blood glucose behaviour among patients with diabetes-related foot ulcer. International journal of nursing practice, e12950. Advance online publication. https://doi-org.proxy.lib.cgu.edu.tw:2443/10.1111/ijn.12950

  2. Hasanpour Dehkordi, A., Chin, Y. F., Huang, T. T., Ebadi, A., & Ghanei Gheshlagh, R. (2020/11). Psychometric evaluation of the Farsi version of the diabetes foot self-care bahavior scale. Journal of foot and ankle research, 13(1), 68. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13047-020-00437-5 (SCI/SSCI=1.598, orthopedics:52/82)

  3. Chin, Y. F., Huang, T. T., Hsu, B. R. S., Weng, L. C., & Wang, C. C. (2019/6) Factors associated with foot ulcer self-management behaviors among hospitalized patients with diabetes. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 28(11-12), 2253-2264. doi: 10.1111/jocn.1482210.1111/jocn.14822. (SCI 1.636, 33/118, CMRPD1E0151)

  4. Chin, Y. F., Yeh, J. T., Yu, H. Y., & Weng, L. C.(2018/12). Knowledge of the warning signs of foot ulcer deterioration among patients with diabetes. The Journal of Nursing Research, 26(6), 420-426. doi: 10.1097/JNR.0000000000000258.

  5. Lin, M. M., Hsu, Y. N., Wang, Y. W., Weng, L.C., & Chin, Y. F. (2018/10). Factors associated with the willingness of clinical health care professionals for living organ donation. Transplantation Proceedings, 50(8), 2320-2322. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.transproceed.2018.02.179 (0.806, 173/200)

  6. Yang, C. Y.,Yu, H. Y., Chin, Y. F., Li, L.H. (2017/10). There’s Nothing Wrong with Being a Nurse: The Experiences of Male Nursing Students in Taiwan. Japan Journal of Nursing Science, 14(4),332-340 (0.554, 102/116)

  7. Huang, T. T.*, Yang, S. D., Tasi, Y. H., Chin, Y. F., Wang, B. H., & Tsay, P.K. Effectiveness of individualised intervention on older residents with constipation in nursing home: a randomised controlled trial. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 24(23-24), 3449-3458. (2015/12).

  8. Huang T. T. *, Liu C. B., Tsai Y. H., Chin Y. F., & Wong C. H. Physical fitness exercise versus cognitive behavior therapy on reducing the depressive symptoms among community-dwelling : A randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 52(10), 1542-1552. (2015/10) (SCI, EMRPD1C0291.)

  9. Huang T. T., Chung M. L., Chen F. R., Chin Y. F. *, & Wang B. H. Evaluation of a combined cognitive-behavioural and exercise intervention to manage fear of falling among elderly residents in nursing homes. Aging & Mental Health, 20(1), 2-12. (2015/1). (SCI 1.781, 28/49, NSC97-2314-B-182-031-MY3 )

  10. Chin Y. F., Liang J., Wang W. S., Hsu, B. R. S.& Huang T. T.* (2014/12). The role of foot self-care behavior on developing foot ulcers in diabetic patients with peripheral neuropathy: a prospective study. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 51(12), 1568-1574 (SCI, CMRPD1A0031)

  11. Chin Y. F., & Huang, T. T. * (2013/3 ). Development and validation of the Diabetes Foot Self-Care Behavior Scale. The Journal of Nursing Research, 21(1), 19-25. (SCI 0.688  44/64, CMRPD1A0031)

  12. Chin Y. F., Huang, T. T. *, & Hsu, B. R. S. (2013/1). Impact of action cues, self-efficacy and perceived barriers on daily foot exam practice in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients with peripheral neuropathy. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 22(1-2), 61-68. (SCI 1.118  815/729, CMRPD1A0031)

  13. 靳燕芬、王婉璇、楊翠雲、黃子庭*(2012/12)‧糖尿病足部潰瘍健康信念量表之發展與測試‧護理暨健康照護研究,8(4),269-277。(CMRPD1A0031)

  14. 靳燕芬、王婉璇、王碧華、黃子庭*(2011/5)‧糖尿病老人的足部照護‧源遠護理,5(1),1-6 。

  15. 楊惠美、孫瑞鴻、黃禹堯、靳燕芬、黃子庭(2010/12)‧季節變化對糖尿病足部潰瘍患者下肢截肢之影響‧長庚護理雜誌,22(4),463-471。

  16. 王婉璇、黃子庭*、靳燕芬、魏真真(2010/9)‧某大學型肝炎帶元學生自我照顧行為之探討–Orem自我照顧缺失理論之應用‧護理暨健康照護研究,6(3),172–181。

  17. 靳燕芬(2007).傷口換藥疼痛護理‧護理雜誌,54(3),87–91。

  18. 靳燕芬(2006).敷料選用與傷口換藥疼痛.護理雜誌,53(6),73–77。靳燕芬、吳蕙菱、林淑眞、邱月璧(2006)‧某醫學中心住院病人壓瘡盛行率及發生壓瘡相關因素探討‧長庚護理雜誌,17(1),11-21。

  19. 靳燕芬 & 吳蕙菱(1995)‧壓瘡預測量表Braden氏量表之臨床應用: 於慢性病住院患者‧長庚護理,6(1),82-85。

  20. 靳燕芬(1994)‧護理實習課程中的小組討論‧護理雜誌,41(2),42-45。