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Jung-Hua Shao

Jung-Hua Shao

Associate Professor 



Contact Information


  • PhD  Queensland University of Technology  2009
  • MS    Tzu Chi University                                  2001
  • BS    Chang Gung University                          1994


  • E-health self-management program
  • Cares for women with chronic disease
  • Cares for older people with chronic disease (heart failure, hip fracture and osteoarthritis)


  • Maternal-newborn Nursing and practice

  • Fundamental of Nursing and practice

  • Introduction to Nursing Research

  • Discovery in Nursing Science

  • Advanced Women and Children Health Nursing


  1. MyOsteoarthritisMyWay: Program developing and implementing of a patient-centered Mobile App self-management program for patient with osteoarthritis: randomized controlled trial (third year project) (MOST 110-2314-B-182-040) 2021-2022
  2. MyOsteoarthritisMyWay: Program developing and implementing of a patient-centered Mobile App self-management program for patient with osteoarthritis: randomized controlled trial (second and third years projects) (MOST 109-2314-B-182-051) 2020-2021
  3. MyOsteoarthritisMyWay: Needs Exploring, Program Developing, and Implementing of a Patient-Centered Mobile App Self-Management Program for Osteoarthritis. (MOST 108-2314-B-182- 057) 2019-2020
  4. 從傳統到e化自我管理:類風濕性關節炎智慧型手機應用程式自我管理方案之需求評估、方案建構、與適用性評值(MOST 107-2314-B-255 -003 -MY3) 2018-2021
  5. 類風濕性關節炎自我管理計畫之成效-隨機對照試驗(第二、三年)(MOST 105-2314-B-255 -006 -MY2)2016-2018
  6. Effectiveness of self-management program on recovery from total knee arthroplasty surgery in patients with osteoarthritis.(NSC 102-2628- B-182 -019 -MY3) IRB: 101-4828A3, 2013-2016
  7. Construction and evaluation of self-management in Heart failure elderly.(NSC101-2314-B-182-055 -MY3) IRB:100-4492B
  8. 類風濕性關節炎自我管理計畫之成效-隨機對照試驗(MOST 104-2314-B-255-003)
  9. 發展與測試自我效能營養介入方案對低讀寫能力心臟疾病老人病患之成效 (NSC 102-2320-B-255 -004)
  10. 發展與測試自我效能營養介入方案對低讀寫能力心臟疾病老人病患之成效 ~ 探索飲食經驗、調查影響營養之相關因素、建構與測試介入方案
  11. 急診老年病人出院需求、需求滿足及非計劃性再返診率之研究
  12. 以自我效能理論探討台灣社區老人之營養問題-量表修訂、測試、與營養計劃介入:營養計劃介入
  13. 以自我效能理論探討台灣社區老人之營養問題-量表修訂、測試、與營養計劃介入以自我效能理論探討台灣社區老人之營養問題


  1. Shao, J. H., Yu, K. H., & Chen, S. H. (2020). Effectiveness of a self-management program for joint protection and physical activity in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: A randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Nursing Studies. (SSCI, IF=3.783, Nursing: 1/121=0.83%, 2019 JCR)
  2. Shao, J. H., Yu, K. H., & Chen, S. H. (July/August 2020). Feasibility and acceptability of a self-management program for rheumatoid arthritis patients. Orthopaedic Nursing, 39(4). (SSCI, IF=0.988, Nursing: 89/121=73.6%, 2019 JCR)
  3. Shao, J. H., & Chen, S. H. (Published online: 2019, Dec). Who did it better? Gender differences in effects of a dietary self-management intervention for older community-dwelling adults. Journal of Women & Aging, DOI: 10.1080/08952841.2019.1707152 (SSCI, IF=1.141, Women’s Studies: 22/45=48.9%, 2019 JCR)
  4. Shao, J. H., & Chen, S. H.* (2019, April). Randomized control trial of a self-management intervention for heart failure older adults in Northern Taiwan. Collegian, 26(2), 288-294. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.colegn. 2018.08.006. (SSCI, IF=1.830, Nursing: 34/121=28.1%, 2019 JCR)
  5. Yeh, H. F., Shao, J. H. *(2018, April). Depression in community-dwelling elderly patients with heart failure. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 32(2), 248-255. doi.org/10.1016/j.apnu.2017.11.010 (SSCI, corresponding, IF=1.266, Nursing:71/121=58.7%, 2019 JCR)
  6. Yeh, H. F., Shao, J. H., Li, C. L., Wu, C. C., & Shyu, Y.-I. L (2017). Predictors of postoperative falls in the first and second postoperative years among older hip fracture patients. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 26 (21-22), 3710-3723. doi: 10.1111/jocn.13743 (corresponding author) (SSCI, IF=1.972, Nursing: 21/121=17.4%, 2019 JCR)
  7. Chen, S. H., Huang, Y. P., & Shao, J. H.* (2017, Sep.). Effects of a dietary self-management programme for community-dwelling older adults: a quasi-experimental design. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 31(3), 619-629. doi: 10.1111/scs.12375 (corresponding author) (SSCI, IF=1.525, Nursing: 48/121=39.7%, 2019 JCR)
  8. Chen, S. H., Liang, Y-C., & Shao, J. H.* (2017). Challenges pertaining to recruitment and retention of older adults in research studies: a qualitative descriptive study. Chang Gung Nursing, 28(2), 206-218.(中文)
  9. Shao, J. H., & Chen, S. H. (2016, Nov.). Development and evaluation of a dietary self-management programme for older adults with low literacy and heart disease: pilot study of feasibility and acceptability. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 72(12), 3015-3019. (SSCI, IF=2.56, Nursing: 9/121=7.4%, 2019 JCR)
  10. Chen, S. H., Shyu, Y.-I. L., Ko, Y. S., Kung H. L., & Shao, J. H.* (2016, April). Perceptions about eating experiences of low-literate older adults with heart disease: a qualitative study. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 72(4), 801-812. doi: 10.1111/jan.12876 (corresponding author) (SSCI, IF=2.56, Nursing: 9/121=7.4%, 2019 JCR)
  11. Chen, K. L., Tsai, Y. F.,* Shao, J. H., & Shyu, Y. I. (2016).  The perspectives and expectations of new nursing graduates regarding the hospital-based nursing students scholarship. The Journal of Nursing, 63(5), 55-64.(中文)
  12. Shao, J. H., Chuang, Y. H., & Chen, S. H. (2015, Mar). A multi-perspective focus-group approach to revise items in a dietary self-efficacy scale for older Taiwanese adults. Collegian: The Australian Journal of Nursing Practice, Scholarship and Research, 22(1), 83-90. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/ j.colegn.2013.11.007 (SSCI, IF=1.830, Nursing: 34/121=28.1%, 2019 JCR)
  13. Chen, S. H., Cheng, H. Y., Chuang, Y. H., & Shao, J. H.* (2015, Jan). Nutritional status and its health-related factors among older adults in rural and urban areas. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 71(1), 42-53. DOI: 10.1111/jan.12462 (corresponding author) (SSCI, IF=2.56, Nursing: 9/121=7.4%, 2019 JCR)
  14. Tu, H. Y., Shao, J. H., Wu, F. J., Chen, S. H., & Chuang. Y. H. (2014, Sept). Stressors and coping strategies of 20–45-year-old hemodialysis patients. Collegian, 21(3), 185-192. doi:10.1016/j.colegn.2013.02.003 (SSCI, IF=1.830, Nursing: 34/121=28.1%, 2019 JCR)
  15. Shao, J. H., Chang, A. M., Edwards, H., Shyu, Y-I. L., & Chen, S. H. (2013, Nov.). A randomized controlled trial of self-management programme improves health-related outcomes of older people with heart failure. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 69(11), 2458-2469. (SSCI, IF=2.56, Nursing: 9/121=7.4%, 2019 JCR)
  16. Chen, S. H., Shao, J. H., Hsiao, Y C., & Lee, H. C. (2013, Apr.). Barriers to research utilization by registered nurses in Taiwan. Research in Nursing & Health, 36(2), 191-202. 10.1002/nur.21521 (corresponding author) (SSCI, IF=2.163, Nursing: 18/121=14.9%, 2019 JCR)
  17. Yeh, H. F., & Shao, J. H.* (2013). Rural-urban Differences in the Self-management Behaviors for Elder with Heart Failure. Chia Yi Christian Hospital Journal of Nursing, 12(2), 15-30. (中文)
  18. Chen, S. H., & Shao, J. H.* (2012, Jan.). ‘Have you had your bowl of rice?’ a qualitative study of eating patterns in older Taiwanese adults" Journal of Clinical Nursing, 21, 2-10. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2702.2011.03885.x (corresponding author) (SSCI, IF=1.972, Nursing: 21/121=17.4%, 2019 JCR)
  19. Chen, S, H., Acton, G., & Shao, J. H.* (2010, Aug.). Relationships among nutritional self-efficacy, health locus of control and nutritional status in older Taiwanese adults. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 19, 2117–2127.(corresponding author) (SSCI, IF=1.972, Nursing: 21/121=17.4%, 2019 JCR)
  20. Yeh, H. F., & Shao, J. H.* (2010). A Study of Dietary Self-efficacy and Self-management Behaviors in Elderlies with Heart Failure. Tzu Chi Nursing Journal, 9(4), 96-107. (中文)
  21. Shao, J. H., & Yeh, H. F. (2010). The Effectiveness of Self-management Programs for Elderly People with Heart Failure. Tzu Chi Nursing Journal, 9(1), 71-79. (中文)
  22. Chen, S. H., & Shao, J. H.* (2009, Sept.). Translation and Testing of the Cardiac Diet Self-Efficacy Scale for use with Taiwanese Older Adults. Public Health Nursing, 26(5), 474-482. (corresponding author) (SSCI, IF=1.130, Nursing: 82/121=67.8%, 2019 JCR)
  23. Shyu, Y. I. L., Chen, M. C., Chen, S. T., Wang, H. P., & Shao, J. H. (2008). A family caregiver-oriented discharge-planning program for older stroke patients and their family caregivers. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 17(18), 2497-2508. (SSCI, IF=1.972, Nursing: 21/121=17.4%, 2019 JCR)
  24. Shao, J. H., & Yeh, H. F. (2006). Evaluation of Carer Readiness and Care Outcome following a Caregiver Needs Directed Discharge Program for Elderly Stroke Patients. The Journal of Long-term Care, 10(3), 238-256. (中文)
  25. Shyu, Y. I. L., Liao, M. N., Shao, J. H., & Yang, C. L. (1999, Dec).  A Survey of Home Nursing Services in Taiwan. Public Health Nursing, 16(6), 432-440. (SSCI, IF=1.130, Nursing: 82/121= 67.8%, 2019 JCR)