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Hsueh-Erh Liu

Hsueh-Erh Liu




Contact Information


  • PhD College of Nursing, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
  • MS  Graduate Institute of Nursing, National Defense Medical College
  • BS   School of Nursing, National Taiwan University


  • 2009   Tsui-Hsia Feng & Hsueh-Erh Liu (2009) Initial evaluation of a new safety needle system at a clinical setting in Taiwan. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 15(5):394-402. Corresponding author.
  • 2009   趙莉芬,林金共彬,劉雪娥(2009) 細胞表皮生長因子受體與乳癌標靶治療。長庚護理雜誌(通訊作者)(accepted)


冰敷裝置。郭鴻森,劉雪娥,周素葉,李基禎,賴榮鄉,練育宏,王宏元,郭鴻模。新型第M 291803號,專利權期間:2006/06~2015/12


  • Quality of life issue
  • Quality of sexual life
  • Renal nursing
  • Oncology nursing
  • Evidence-Based Nursing


  • 進階研究


  1. 老年胃癌病患術後衰弱與生活品質的改變狀態及其處置:混合型研究設計(科技部,2019-2021)
  2. 學士後護理系學生與護理系學生護理專業化過程之比較:世代研究設計(科技部,2018-2019)
  3. 前列腺癌病患及其伴侶之多媒體心理社會處置發展與成效探討(科技部,2016-2017)
  4. 透析患者之衰弱指數與改善策略之成效: 組合型研究方法之運用(科技部,2015-2018)
  5. 將證據轉譯成臨床照護之成效評值:慢性腎臟疾病病患之口腔健康為例(科技部,2013-2015)
  6. 以課室併網路教學與實作之混合學習方式修習實證相關課程的立即與中期成效(科技部,2013-2015)
  7. e化協助"實證健康照顧"新課程之成效探討(行政院國家科學委員會,2011-2012)
  8. 口腔促進策略對增進透析治療患者口腔暨緩解末梢血管阻塞狀況之長期效益探討(長庚醫院,2012-2013)
  9. 心房纖維顫動患者接受warfarin治療時之服藥困擾、生活品質及接受藥物相關衛教之成效評價 (長庚醫院, 2010-2011)
  10. 接受乳房重建手術乳癌婦女生活品質長期變化之前瞻縱貫性探討 (長庚醫院, 2009-2010)
  11. 以時間序列研究設計探究統計意義與臨床意義之差異:以卵巢癌婦女罹病期間生活品質變化為例 (行政院國家科學委員會, 2009-2011)
  12. 冷凍手術或冰敷治療前之電腦輔助醫治計畫-正額整形手術與局部雷射美容後患者使用冰敷之成效探討(子計畫四)(3/3) (行政院國家科學委員會, 2009-2010)
  13. 整合型婦癌的臨床試驗和探討分子標的之研究子計劃六:婦科腫瘤病患於接受治療性臨床試驗前、治療中及治療後之生活品質 (長庚醫院, 2009-2011)
  14. 末期腎病患者併發周邊動脈阻塞性疾病之篩檢工具建立與防治處置之長期成效探討 (行政院國家科學委員會, 2008-2009)
  15. 冷凍手術或冰敷治療前之電腦輔助醫治計畫-正額整形手術與局部雷射美容後患者使用冰敷之成效探討(子計畫四)(2/3) (行政院國家科學委員會, 2008-2009)
  16. 縱貫性研究:癌症病患希望感及其影響因素探討 (長庚醫院, 2008-2010)
  17. 糖尿病截肢患者支持團體成效探討 (長庚醫院, 2007-2009)
  18. 冷凍手術或冰敷治療前之電腦輔助醫治計畫--正額整形手術與局部雷射美容後患者使用冰敷之成效探討 (, 2007-2008)
  19. PEEPA實證護理概念架構之臨床運用:內植式輸液塞之護理照護為例 (, 2006-2008)
  20. 85年桃園縣社區中風個案長期照護需求調查 (桃園縣政府衛生局, 2006-2006)
  21. 慢性腎臟疾病防治之兩面向:高危險群之高血壓或糖尿病患者之腎臟自我保護措施及其護理人員對慢性腎臟疾病防治之認知 (行政院國家科學委員會, 2005-2006)
  22. 高危險群之高血壓或糖尿病患者之腎臟自我保護措施及其護理人員對慢性腎臟疾病防治之認知 (, 2005-2006)
  23. 口腔癌篩檢疑似陽性個案情緒心理反應及就醫行為研究 (, 2005-2005)
  24. 長短期治療成效評值:以中醫哮症(即西醫氣喘)接受中醫治療後之生活品質變化為例 (, 2004-2004)
  25. 頭頸部腫瘤病患身體心像及其護理處置之成效評值 (, 2003-2003)
  26. 罹患乳癌對病患性生活品質之衝擊暨其諮詢模式之建立與驗證 (School of nursing, Chang Gung University, 2002-2002)
  27. 末期腎病患者性生活品質暨性諮詢模式之建立與應用 (, 2001-2001)
  28. 癌症病患疲憊護理處置的成效評值與臨床推廣應用 (, 2000-2000)
  29. 另類療法:執行改良式氣功運動計畫對末期腎病患者之影響 (School of nursing, Chang Gung University, 2000-2000)
  30. 不同化療療程與運動計畫對胃癌病患主客觀臨床效益指標之影響 (School of nursing, Chang Gung University, 1998-1998)
  31. 影響肝癌病患及其家屬生活品質因素之探討 (, 1993-1993)


  1. 李婉菁.谷大為.蔡文鐘.蔡培癸.劉雪娥. 溫水足浴對中風病患疲憊與睡眠品質之成效探討. 長庚護理, (2019), 30(4), 445-458

  2. Lin, C. Y., Liu, H. E., & Cheng, M. H. (2020). Factors associated with professional healthcare advice seeking in breast cancer–related lymphedema. Journal of Surgical Oncology121(1), 67-74.

  3. Lai, C. H., Vallikad, E., Lin, H., Yang, L. Y., Jung, S. M., Liu, H. E., ... & Huang, K. G. (2019). Maintenance of pegylated liposomal doxorubicin/carboplatin in patients with advanced ovarian cancer: randomized study of an Asian Gynecologic Oncology Group. Journal of gynecologic oncology31(1).

  4. Chien, C. H., Chuang, C. K., Liu, K. L., Wu, C. T., Pang, S. T., Tsay, P. K., ... & Liu, H. E. (2018). Effects of individual and partner factors on anxiety and depression in Taiwanese prostate cancer patients: a longitudinal study. European Journal of Cancer Care27(2), e12753.

  5. Tsai, Y. H., Lou, M. F., Feng, T. H., Chu, T. L., Chen, Y. J., & Liu, H. E. (2018). Mediating effects of burden on quality of life for caregivers of first-time stroke patients discharged from the hospital within one year. BMC neurology18(1), 50.

  6. Chung, F. F., Wan, G. H., Kuo, S. C., Lin, K. C., & Liu, H. E. (2018). Mother–infant interaction quality and sense of parenting competence at six months postpartum for first-time mothers in Taiwan: a multiple time series design. BMC pregnancy and childbirth18(1), 365.

  7. 劉文琪, & 劉雪娥. (2018). 瑜珈運動對孕婦下背疼痛指數, 生活品質之影響. 運動健康休閒學報, (9), 30-40.

  8. 黃怡螢, & 劉雪娥. (2018). 運用輔助液體敷料照顧一位頭頸癌病人之護理經驗. 長庚護理29(2), 305-313.

  9. Chen, H. H., Sun, F. J., Yeh, T. L., Liu, H. E., Huang, H. L., Kuo, B. I. T., & Huang, H. Y. (2018). The diagnostic accuracy of the Ascertain Dementia 8 questionnaire for detecting cognitive impairment in primary care in the community, clinics and hospitals: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Family practice35(3), 239-246.
  10. Chien, C. H., Chuang, C. K., Liu, K. L., Wu, C. T., Pang, S. T., Tsay, P. K., ... & Liu, H. E. (2018). Effects of individual and partner factors on anxiety and depression in Taiwanese prostate cancer patients: a longitudinal study. European Journal of Cancer Care27(2), e12753.
  11. Chien, C. H., Chuang, C. K., Liu, K. L., Huang, X. Y., Pang, S. T., Wu, C. T., ... & Liu, H. E. (2017). Individual and mutual predictors of marital satisfaction among prostate cancer patients and their spouses. Journal of Clinical Nursing26(23-24), 4994-5003.
  12. 黃怡螢、劉雪娥*‧口腔黏膜液體敷料對頭頸癌化放療造成口腔黏膜炎患者的減痛效用 (2017)‧生物醫學,10(2),89-92。
  13. 張文、韓晶彥、陳麗琴、陳雅欣、羅美怡、劉雪娥*‧急診檢傷護理人員間使用E化五級檢傷分類系統級數判斷一致性及影響因素之探討 (2016)‧護理雜誌 (accepted on 2016)。
  14. Yang, H. L., Liu, F. C., Tsai, S. C., Tsay, P. K., Lin, H. T., & Liu, H. E.* (2016). Ketorolac tromethamine spray prevents post-endotracheal intubation-induced sore throat after general anesthesia. BioMed Research International. (accepted on 2016) http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2016/4582439
  15. 劉雪娥、李秀芳、郭懿萱*‧臨床診療指引的發展過程-以「台灣慢性腎臟病臨床診療指引」為例 (2016)‧護理雜誌,63(2),23-32。
  16. Chien, C. H., Chuang, C. K., Liu, K. L., Huang, X. Y., & Liu, H. E.* (2016). Psychosocial adjustments in patients with prostate cancer from pre‐diagnosis to 6 months post‐treatment. International journal of nursing practice, 22(1), 70-78. DOI: 10.1111/ijn.12360.
  17. Wang, L. H., Goopy, S., Lin, C. C., Barnard, A., Han, C. Y.,* & Liu, H. E. (2016). The emergency patient's participation in medical decision‐making. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 25(17-18), 2550-2558. DOI: 10.1111/jocn.13296.
  18. Wang, L. H., Tsai, M. F., Han, C. Y. S., Huang, Y. C., & Liu, H. E.* (2016). Is Bladder Training by Clamping Before Removal Necessary for Short-Term Indwelling Urinary Catheter Inpatient? A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Asian Nursing Research, 10(3), 173-181. DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.anr.2016.07.003
  19. Chang, W., Liu, H. E., Goopy, S., Chen, L. C., Chen, H. J., & Han, C. Y. (2017). Using the five-level taiwan triage and acuity scale computerized system: factors in decision making by emergency department triage nurses. Clinical Nursing Research26(5), 651-666.
  20. Kung, P. C., Yeh, M. C., Lai, M. K., & Liu, H. E. (2017). Renal transplant recipients: the factors related to immunosuppressive medication adherence based on the health belief model. Journal of Nursing Research25(5), 392-397.
  21. Chang, W., Goopy, S., Lin, C. C., Barnard, A., Liu, H. E., & Han, C. Y.* (2015). Registered Nurses and Discharge Planning in a Taiwanese ED A Neglected Issue?. Clinical Nursing Research25(5), 512-531. doi:10.1177/1054773815584138
  22. 劉梅英、劉雪娥*、王宏銘、蔡培癸、簡淑慧、林怡欣‧安寧共同照顧模式對改善癌末主要照顧家屬照顧負荷之成效(2015)‧護理暨健康照護研究,11(4),257-266。
  23. 邵上智、蔡明翰、蔡培癸、劉雪娥* (2015)‧多媒體衛教光碟合併護理指導對於初次冠心病患者在疾病知識、態度及自我照顧行為之成效探討‧護理暨健康照護研究,11(3),175-186。
  24. Han, C. Y., Chen, L. C., Barnard, A., Lin, C. C., Hsiao, Y. C., Liu, H. E., & Chang, W. (2015). Early revisit to the emergency department: an integrative review. Journal of Emergency Nursing41(4), 285-295. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jen.2014.11.013
  25. Chung, F. F., Lin, H. L., Liu, H. E., Lien, A. S. Y., Hsiao, H. F., Chou, L. T., & Wan, G. H.* (2015). Aerosol Distribution During Open Suctioning and Long-Term Surveillance of Air Quality in a Respiratory Care Center Within a Medical Center. Respiratory Care, 60(1), 30-37. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4187/respcare.03310
  26. Chen, K. H., Chen, C., Liu, H. E., Tzeng, P. C., & Glasziou, P. P.* (2014). Effectiveness of paediatric  asthma clinical pathways: a narrative systematic review, Journal of Asthma, 51(5), 480-492. http://dx.doi.org/10.3109/02770903.2014.887728
  27. 鍾芬芳、劉雪娥*(2014)‧初為人母者於產後坐月子期間之親子互動品質及親職能力知覺的變化趨勢‧助產雜誌,57,27-38。
  28. Ching-Hui Chien., Cheng-Keng Chuang., Kuan-Lin Liu., Xuan-Yi Huan., Hsueh-Erh Liu*., (2014). Psychosocial adjustments in patients with prostate cancer from pre-diagnosis to 6 months post-treatment. International Journal of Nursing Practice, (Article first published online: 13 OCT 2014)
  29. Li-Fen Chao, Ketan M. Patel, Shin-Cheh Chen, Hung-Bun Lam, Chia-Yu Lin, Hsueh-Erh Liu, Ming-Huei Cheng* (2014). Monitoring patient-centered outcomes through the progression of breast reconstruction: a multicentered prospective longitudinal evaluation. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment146(2), 299-308.
  30. Kee-Hsin Chen, Pei-Chuan Tzeng, Tzu-Hsuan Chen, Ken N. Kuo, Hsueh-Erh Liu, Chiehfeng (Cliff) Chen* (2014). Develop a Self-Evaluation Questionnaire for Evidence- Based Practice Education. American Journal of Educational Research2(9),740-744.
  31. Joyce Kee-Hsin Chen, Chiehfeng (Cliff) Chen, Pei-Chuan Tzeng, Hsueh-Erh Liu*, (2014). The Learning Effectiveness of Structured Assessment Stations with Immediate Feedback in Evidence-Based Practice Education. American Journal of Educational Research2(8),691-697.
  32. Joyce Kee-Hsin Chen, Tzu-Hsuan Chen, Hsueh-Erh (Sarah) Liu, Ching-Chiu Kao, Chieh Feng (Cliff) Chen, Tsong-Yi Ou11, Pei-Chuan Tseng, Ken N. Kuo, Wen-Sen Lee*, (2014). Bundle Care for Preventing Ventilator-associated Pneumonia at a Medical Center: A Preliminary Report. Journal of Experimental & Clinical Medicine, 6(5),157-160.
  33. Ching-HuiChiena.,Kuan-Lin Liub.,Hui-Tsu Chienc.,Hsueh-Erh Liu*(2014).The effects of psychosocial strategies on anxiety and depression of patients diagnosed with prostate cancer: A systematic review. International Journal of Nursing Studies51(1), 28–38.
  34. 劉梅英*、劉雪娥、王宏銘(2014)‧癌末安寧共同照護監測紀錄表的設計‧志為護理13(3),66-81。
  35. Chien,C.H.,Chuang C K.,Liu,K.L.,Li,C.H.& Liu,H.E*.(2013).Changes in decisional conflict and decisional regret in patients with localized prostate cancer. Journal of Clinical Nursing23(13-14), 1959-1969.
  36. 李絳桃、康金玟*、王怡文、劉雪娥 (2013)‧臺灣東南亞籍跨國婚姻婦女生育調節經驗‧護理暨健康照護研究,9(4),290-300。
  37. Chen,K-H., Kao ,C-Chiu*., Liu,H-E*., Chiu ,W-T.,  Kuo ,K. N., Chen, C.*(2012). Using Appraisal of Guidelines Research and Evaluation to Appraise Nursing Clinical Practice Guidelines in Taiwan and to Compare Them to International Studies. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine4(1), 58-61.
  38. Chen, Mei-Chuan. Liu, Hsueh-Erh. Huang, Hsiao-Yun. Chiou, Ai-Fu.*(2012). The effect of a simple traditional exercise programme (Baduanjin exercise) on sleep quality of older adults: a randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 49(3), 265-273.
  39. 李婉菁、劉雪娥*(2012) ‧中風後的疲憊感‧長庚護理,23(4),448-454。
  40. 陳秀惠*、劉雪娥、李佳琳、高振益(2012)‧外籍看護工生活品質及其相關因素之探討‧醫護科技期刊,14(1),59-70。
  41. 李絳桃、萬國華、劉雪娥、簡慧嫺* (2012)‧懷孕婦女的身體意象及其相關因子探討‧臺灣性學學刊,18(1),1-24。
  42. 周麗華,黃初雪,劉雪娥*(2011)‧心理社會適應之概念分析‧台灣腎臟護理學會雜誌,3 (10),1-10。
  43. 趙莉芬,林金共彬,劉雪娥*(2011)‧細胞表皮生長因子受體與乳癌標靶治療‧長庚護理,22(1),38-44。
  44. 劉棻,劉雪娥*(2011)‧截肢病患支持團體的發展與設計‧高雄護理雜誌,28(3),31-41。
  45. 劉棻,田思婷,劉雪娥*(2011)‧運用Mishel不確定感理論照顧一位膝下截肢患者之護理經驗‧長庚護理,2(22),276-287。
  46. 陳杏婉,劉雪娥*(2011)‧血液透析患者之周邊動脈阻塞性疾病及其照護‧護理雜誌,58(2),16-21。
  47. Chien, C. H., Wang, H. H., Chiang, Y. J., Chu, S. H., Liu, H. E., & Liu, K. L.*(2010).Changes in Renal Funstion After Laparoscopic Donor Nephrectomy for Kidney Transplantation. Transplantation Proceedings42(3), 692-695.
  48. Chien, C. H., Wang, H. H., Chiang, Y. J., Chu, S. H., Liu, H. E., & Liu, K. L.*(2010). Quality of Life After Laparoscopic Donor Nephrectomy. Transplantation Proceedings42(3), 696-698.
  49. Chen, K. H., Kao, C. C., Liu, H. E*., Chiu, W. T., Kuo, K. N., & Chen, C. F.(2010) .Development and appraisal nursing clinical practice guidelines in Taiwan. Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, 143(22), 89-90.
  50. Lin, M. H., Chiang, Y. J., Li, C. L., & Liu, H. E.*(2010).The Relationship Between Optimism and Life Satisfaction for Patients Waiting or Not Waiting for Renal Transplantation. Transplantation Proceedings42(3), 763–765.
  51. Lee, H.F., & Liu, H. E.,* (2010). Prospective changes of the quality of life for patients newly diagnosed as oral cancer during the acute stage. Journal of Oncology Nursing14, 310-315.
  52. Liu, F., Williams, R. M., & Liu, H. E*. (2010). The lived experience of persons with lower extremity amputation. Journal of clinical nursing, 19(15-16), 2152-2161. 
  53. 鄭夙芬,劉雪娥*,方震中,萬國華(2010)‧影響急診醫護人員對不施行心肺復甦術條文及態度之探討‧台灣醫學,14(2),124-132。
  54. Tsui-Hsia Feng & Hsueh-Erh Liu* (2009) Initial evaluation of a new safety needle system at a clinical setting in Taiwan. International Journal of Nursing Practice15(5), 394-402.
  55. Li-Fen Chao, Anthony Lin Zhang, Hsueh-Erh Liu, Ming-Huei Cheng, Hung-Bun Lam, Sing Kai Lo* (2009). The effecicay of acupoint stimulation for the management of therapy-related adverse events in patients with breast caancer: a systematic review. Breast Cancer Res Treat118(2), 255-267.
  56. 王玉女,楊清姿,劉雪娥*(2008)‧以西奧柏斯地區老人孤寂感之人口學屬性因素探討為例之研究批判‧長庚科技學刊,9,41-48。
  57. 楊易宏、劉雪娥*(2008)‧腎臟移植患者的實證護理-個別衛教‧長庚護理,19(4),496-503。
  58. P. Yuan , H.E. Liu , C. W. Chen , H.S. Kou*(2008).Temperature response in biological tissue by alternating heating and cooling modalities with sinusoidal temperature oscillation on the skin. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 35(9), 1091-1096.
  59. S. Huang, H.E. Liu* (2008).Effectiveness of cosmetic rehabilitation on the body image of oral cancer patients in Taiwan. Supportive care in cancer, 16(9), 981-986.
  60. H.E. Liu* (2008).Changes of satisfaction with appearance and working status for head and neck tumour patients. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 17(14), 1930-1938.
  61. S.Y. Chou, H.E. Liu*(2007).Comparison of effectiveness between moist and dry cryotherapy in reducing discomforts after orthognathic surgery. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 17(13), 1735-41.
  62. 簡靜慧,莊正鏗,劉冠麟,劉雪娥*(2007)‧前列腺癌病患接受一個月治療後之決策後悔情形及其相關因素‧台灣醫學,11(5),461-469。
  63. 簡靜慧,莊正鏗,劉冠麟,劉雪娥*(2007)‧照顧一位接受高劑量率後荷式近接療程知前列腺癌病患之護理經驗‧長庚護理,18(1),104-111。
  64. 簡靜慧,莊正鏗,劉冠麟,劉雪娥*(2007)‧侷限性前列腺癌病患參與治療決策過程相關經驗探討‧護理雜誌,54(1),35-42。
  65. 黃雅儀,劉雪娥*(2007)‧從實證護理的觀點談新生兒杯餵‧長庚護理,18(2),217-223。
  66. 吳美方,劉雪娥*(2007)‧腦中風病患發病時的自我覺察與尋求醫療處置的方式之探討‧長庚護理,18(2),177-187。
  67. 盧秀滿,劉雪娥*,黃世聰(2007)‧下泌尿道症候群對婦女性功能與生活品質之衝擊‧長庚護理,18(4),554-560。
  68. Liu, H-E.* (2006).Fatigue and factors associated in hemodialysis patients in Taiwan. Research in Nursing and Health, 29(1), 40-50.
  69. 劉棻,林梅香,劉雪娥*,孫淑惠(2006)‧五專應屆畢業護生、單位主管及護理教師對護理能力滿意度調查‧新台北護理期刊,8(2),43-52。
  70. Liau, CT*, Chu, NM., Liu, HE., Deuson R., Lien J. and Chen, JS. (2005). Incidence of chemotherapy- induced nausea and vomiting in Taiwan:physicians’ and nurses’ estimation vs. patients’ reported outcomes. Supportive care cancer, 13, 277-286.
  71. Lin, Y.H. and Liu, H.E.*(2005). The impact of workplace violence on nurses in South Taiwan. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 42(7), 773-778.
  72. 簡靜慧、劉雪娥*(2005)‧早期前列腺癌患者接受高劑量率後荷式近接療程之生理照護‧慈濟護理,4(3),33-38。
  73. 楊易宏、劉雪娥*(2005)‧「adherence」的概念分析‧榮總護理,22(3), 281-288。
  74. 林素瑛、劉雪娥*(2005)‧以實證的觀點談剖腹產後禁食‧助產雜誌,48,14-18。
  75. Huang S.M., Lee C.H., Chien L.Y.,* Liu H.E., Tai C.J. (2004). Postoperative quality of life among patients with thyroid cancer. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 47(5), 492-449.
  76. Liu H.E.*(2005). Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) prevention in Taiwan. Journal of School Nursing, 20(2), 76-80. 
  77. 王佩琳、劉雪娥*、李秀芳(2004)‧照顧一位牙齦癌患者之護理經驗‧腫瘤護理雜誌,4(2),43-52。
  78. 周麗華、劉雪娥*、黃秋錦、白璐、陳漢湘(2004)‧腹膜透析患者與配偶的性生活品質及其影響因素探討‧慈濟醫學,16(6),397-408。
  79. 陳智華、吳淑玲、劉雪娥*(2003)‧B肝帶原者之B肝知識與追蹤檢查情形之探討‧慈濟護理,2(4),66-74。
  80. 羅惠敏、徐南麗*、蕭正光、劉雪娥(2003)‧比較疼痛及非疼痛癌症病患不確定感、症狀困擾、社會支持與生活品質關係‧慈濟護理,2(3),70-76。
  81. 周麗華、劉雪娥*(2003)‧末期腎臟疾病患者的另類療法及護理處置‧台灣腎臟護理學會雜誌,2(1),61-69。
  82. 周麗華、劉雪娥*(2003)‧長期腹膜透析病患性問題及相關因素探討‧台灣腎臟護理學會雜誌,2(2),129-142。
  83. 李淑真、劉雪娥*、蔡培葵、賴裕和(2003)‧接受安寧住院療護其間主要照顧者生活品質的變化‧安寧療護雜誌,8(3),259-269。
  84. 鍾麗娟、謝明理、劉雪娥*(2003)‧應用健康信念模式探討影響前列腺癌高危險群男性執行前列腺癌篩檢行為之因素‧慈濟護理,2(3),38-48。
  85. 周麗華、劉雪娥*(2002)‧協助一位移植腎失去功能後患者面對CAPD治療的調適過程‧長庚護理,13(2),184-191。
  86. 王麗香、劉雪娥*(2002)‧急診留觀區病患之需求探討‧長庚護理,13(3),216-227。
  87. 吳淑貞、劉雪娥、陳文文(2002)‧照顧一位乳癌術後行立即性重建患者之護理經驗‧慈濟護理,1(4),99-105。
  88. 羅淑芬、黃秀梨*、劉雪娥、姚開屏(2002)‧燒傷病患主要照顧者生活品質及其相關因素之探討‧台灣醫學,6(5),625-636。
  89. 張瑛瑛、劉雪娥*、張廷彰、楊志堅(2002)‧初次靜脈化療婦癌患者於治療期間經歷之副作用變化狀況‧腫瘤護理雜誌,2(1),29-43。
  90. Hsueh-Erh. Liu* and Su-Fan Ya (2001). The immediate and short-term effects of an educational program for post radical hysterectomy self-care of the lower urinary tract. The Chang Gung Medical Journal, 24(7), 440-445.
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  93. Shen, MH.,* Liu, HE. (2001). The imapct of clinical pathway on the length of stay for the CABG patients. Medical quality, 2(2), 25-35. [Chinese]
  94. 黃慧菁、劉雪娥*、李秀芳(2001)‧協助一位921震災截肢患者創傷後反應及身體心像重建之護理經驗‧新臺北護理期刊,3(1),113-122。
  95. 羅淑芬、黃秀梨*、劉雪娥、姚開屏(2001)‧復健期燒傷病患照顧者壓力感受、社會支持及其相關因素‧台灣醫學,5(1),28-37。
  96. 雷若莉、陳曉玫、林京芬、劉雪娥*、許淑蓮(2000)‧Y世代護生實習壓力源、學習幫助與因應行為‧長庚護理,11(4),11-23。
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  108. 陳文文、李秀方、劉雪娥(1999)‧重建術後口腔癌病患之味覺需求與口腔護理重點‧護理雜誌,46(5),27-30。
  109. 張綺芬*、翁麗雀、劉雪娥、黃慈心(1998) ‧放置T型管病患之居家生活品質探討‧長庚護理,9(3),38-49。