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Mei-Ling Chen

Mei-Ling Chen

Department Chair Professor 



Contact Information


  • PhD University of Maryland at Baltimore, Maryland
  • MS  University of California, San Francisco, California
  • BS   National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan


  • 2001   Research Award of National Science Council, Taiwan
  • 2000   Research Award of National Science Council, Taiwan
  • 1999   Research Award of National Science Council, Taiwan
  • 1998   Research Award of National Science Council, Taiwan


  • Symptoms management in cancer patients
  • Patient-reported outcome measurement


  • Advance Medical-Surgical Nursing Practicum I & II (master program-nursing)
  • Quantitative Nursing Research (master program-nursing)
  • Measurement: Theory and Application (doctoral program-nursing)
  • Research Methodology (master program-medical education-)
  • Advance Medical-Surgical Nursing I & II (master program-nursing)


  1. Applying the ecological momentary assessment (EMA) method to examine the temporal relationship between cancer-related fatigue and physical activity in breast cancer survivors (2021-2024)(Ministry of Science and Technology, MOST)
  2. Routine use of patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) in oncology practice: Developing an electronic PROMs system and evaluating the effects of its routine use (2018-2022)(MOST)
  3. Patters of symptom trajectory in patients with late stage NSCLC: A comparison between never smokers and ever smokers (2016-2020)(MOST)
  4. Applying a computer-assisted measurement system to investigate change patterns of quality of life and symptoms in HCC patients receiving radiotherapy (2014-2018)(MOST)
  5. Quality of cancer pain management in terminal cancer patients: Comparison between hospice and non-hospice care (2012-2014)(Chang Gung Medical Research Project, CMRP)
  6. Hot flash, sleep disturbance and adherence to hormonal therapy in breast cancer women (2012-2015)(MOST)
  7. Assessing cognitive function of breast cancer women using the High Sensitivity Cognitive Screen (HSCS): A feasibility and psychometric study (2010-2013)(National Science Council, NSC)
  8. Use of and attitude held towards complementary and alternative medicine by cancer patients and oncology health professionals in Taiwan (2009-2010)(CMRP)
  9. The effect of a home-based exercise program on sleep and related symptoms in breast cancer women (2008-2011)(NSC)
  10. Arm morbidity and lymphedema in women treated for breast cancer: Incidence, risk factor and impact.(2007-2008)(NSC)
  11. Self-Management in COPD Patients:Instrument Development (2006-2008)(CMRP)
  12. Insomnia in Lung Cancer Patients: Prevalence, Characteristics, and Impact on Survival Time (2005-2008)(NSC)
  13. Prevalence, Time Course, Impact and Risk Factors of Symptoms After Breast Cancer Surgery—An International Collaboration Study (2005-2007)(NSC)
  14. Development and evaluation of a depression-reducing intervention for cancer patients: A prospective randomized clinical trial (Phase II) (2003-2005)(NSC)
  15. Development and evaluation of a depression-reducing intervention for cancer patients: A prospective randomized clinical trial  (Phase I) (2002-2003) (NSC)
  16. The caregiving experience and its effects on health among family caregivers of cancer patients: A longitudinal study (2001-2003) (CMRP)
  17. Relationship between cancer pain and depression: A meta-analysis (2000-2001) (NSC)
  18. The Development and Testing of Cancer Caregiver’s Need Q-sort Scale (1999-2000) (CMRP)
  19. The Impact of depression on health outcomes among cancer patients: A Prospective study (1999-2003) (NSC)
  20. Prevalence and predicting factors of depression in cancer patients (1998) (NSC)
  21. A causal model of depression in cancer patients with pain (1997-1999) (NSC) 


  1. Yang, C.C., Liu, C.Y., Wang, K.Y., Chang, Y.K., Wen, F.H., Lee, Y.C., Chen, M.L.* (2021). Trajectory of smoking behavior during the first six months after diagnosis of lung cancer: A study from Taiwan. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 77(5), 2363-2373. doi:10.1111/jan.14745
  2. Lee, J.-T., Kuo, H.-Y., Huang, K.-G., Lin, J.-R., & Chen, M.-L.* (2020). Diversity of sexual activity and correlates among women with gynecological cancer. Gynecologic Oncology 159(2), 503-508. doi.org/10.1016/j.ygyno.2020.08.005.
  3. Li, C.-Y., Lin, Y.-C., Yang, T.-Y., Chen, S.-C., Chang, H.-K., Shen, W.-C., & Chen, M.-L.* (2020). Changes in hot flash experiences and related factors in women with breast cancer. Menopause, 27(5), 535-542. doi:10.1097/gme.0000000000001507
  4. Kuo, W.-Y., Shyu, Y.-I. L., Wang, J.-S., Chen, M.-C., Wu, C.-C., & Chen, M.-L. (2019). Adherence to home-based rehabilitation in older adults with diabetes after hip fracture. Nursing Research, 68(5), 383-389. doi:10.1097/nnr.0000000000000371
  5. Huang, H.P., Wen, F.H., Yang, T.Y., Lin, Y.C., Tsai, J.C., Shun, S.C., Jane, S.H., Chen, M.L.* (2019). The effect of a 12-week home-based walking program on reducing fatigue in women with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy: A randomized controlled study. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 99:103376. doi:10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2019.06.007
  6. Yang, C.C., Liu, C.Y., Wang, K.Y., Wen, F.H., Lee, Y.C., & Chen, M.L.* (2019). Smoking status among newly diagnosed lung cancer patients in Taiwan. The Journal of Nursing Research, 27(4):e32. doi:10.1097/jnr.0000000000000293
  7. Liu, L. N., Lin, Y. C., Miaskowski, C., Chen, S. C., & Chen, M. L.* (2017). Association between changes in body fat and disease progression after breast cancer surgery is moderated by menopausal status. BMC Cancer, 17:863. doi:10.1186/s12885-017-3869-1
  8. 李家瑩、陳美伶*(2016).乳癌婦女化療引起閉經之現象及其更年期症狀表現.護理雜誌,63(5),19-26
  9. Chen, P. Y., Liu, Y. M., Chen, M. L.* (2017). The effect of hypnosis on anxiety in patients with cancer: A meta-analysis. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 14(3), 223-236. doi:10.1111/wvn.12215
  10. Liu, Y. M., Jaing, T. H., Chen, Y. C., Tang, S. T., Li, C. Y., Wen, Y. C., . . . Chen, M. L.* (2016). Quality of Life After Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in Pediatric Survivors: Comparison With Healthy Controls and Risk Factors. Cancer Nurs, 39(6), 502-509. doi:10.1097/NCC.0000000000000339
  11. Chen, M. L.*, Liu, L. N., Miaskowski, C., Chen, S. C., Lin, Y. C., & Wang, J. S. (2016). Presurgical symptom profiles predict quality of life 2 years after surgery in women with breast cancer. Support Care Cancer, 24(1), 243-251. doi:10.1007/s00520-015-2784-8
  12. Li, C. C., Chen, M. L., Chang, T. C., Chou, H. H., & Chen, M. Y. (2015). Social support buffers the effect of self-esteem on quality of life of early-stage cervical cancer survivors in Taiwan. Eur J Oncol Nurs, 19(5), 486-494. doi:10.1016/j.ejon.2015.02.008
  13. Huang, H. P., Wen, F. H., Tsai, J. C., Lin, Y. C., Shun, S. C., Chang, H. K., . . . Chen, M. L.* (2015). Adherence to prescribed exercise time and intensity declines as the exercise program proceeds: findings from women under treatment for breast cancer. Support Care Cancer, 23(7), 2061-2071. doi:10.1007/s00520-014-2567-7
  14. Yang, T. Y., Chen, M. L., & Li, C. C. (2015). Effects of an aerobic exercise programme on fatigue for patients with breast cancer undergoing radiotherapy. J Clin Nurs, 24(1-2), 202-211. doi:10.1111/jocn.12672
  15. Liu, L. N., Wen, F. H., Miaskowski, C., Lin, Y. C., Wang, J. S., Jeng, C., & Chen, M. L.* (2014). Weight change trajectory in women with breast cancer receiving chemotherapy and the effect of different regimens. J Clin Nurs, 23(19-20), 2757-2768. doi:10.1111/jocn.12521
  16. Huang, H. P., Chen, M. L.*, Liang, J., & Miaskowski, C. (2014). Changes in and predictors of severity of fatigue in women with breast cancer: A longitudinal study. Int J Nurs Stud, 51(4), 582-592. doi:10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2013.09.003
  17. Chen, M. L., Chen, Y. Y., & Tang, S. T. (2013). Latent class analysis identifies three subtypes of aggressive end-of-life care: a population-based study in Taiwan. Eur J Cancer, 49(15), 3284-3291. doi:10.1016/j.ejca.2013.05.005
  18. Ling, S. F., Chen, M. L., Li, C. Y., Chang, W. C., Shen, W. C., & Tang, S. T. (2013). Trajectory and influencing factors of depressive symptoms in family caregivers before and after the death of terminally ill patients with cancer. Oncol Nurs Forum, 40(1), E32-40. doi:10.1188/13.ONF.E32-E40
  19. 劉莉妮、陳美伶*(2013).乳癌婦女治療後體重與體脂肪之變化.台灣癌症醫學雜誌,29(3),113-121。
  20. Chen, M. L.*, Miaskowski, C., Liu, L. N., & Chen, S. C. (2012). Changes in perceived attentional function in women following breast cancer surgery. Breast Cancer Res Treat, 131(2), 599-606. doi:10.1007/s10549-011-1760-3
  21. Chen, M. L.*, Chen, M. C., & Yu, C. T. (2011). Depressive symptoms during the first chemotherapy cycle predict mortality in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer. Support Care Cancer, 19(11), 1705-1711. doi:10.1007/s00520-010-1005-8
  22. Pan, L. H., Tsai, Y. F., Chen, M. L., Tang, R., & Chang, C. J. (2011). Symptom distress and self-care strategies of colorectal cancer patients with diarrhea up to 3 months after surgery. Cancer Nurs, 34(1), E1-9. doi:10.1097/NCC.0b013e3181e3ca21
  23. Liu, L. N., Miaskowski, C., Wang, J. S., Chen, S. C., & Chen, M. L.*(2010). Accuracy of body mass index to determine obesity in women with breast cancer: an observational study of Taiwanese sample. Int J Nurs Stud, 47(8), 994-1000. doi:10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2010.01.002
  24. Tsai, S. C., Liu, L. N., Tang, S. T., Chen, J. C., & Chen, M. L.* (2010). Cancer pain as the presenting problem in emergency departments: incidence and related factors. Supportive Care in Cancer, 18(1), 57-65. doi:10.1007/s00520-009-0630-6
  25. Lien, C. Y., Lin, H. R., Kuo, I. T., & Chen, M. L. (2009). Perceived uncertainty, social support and psychological adjustment in older patients with cancer being treated with surgery. J Clin Nurs, 18(16), 2311-2319. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2702.2008.02549.x
  26. Shyu, Y. I., Chen, M. L., Chen, M. C., Wu, C. C., & Su, J. Y. (2009). Postoperative pain and its impact on quality of life for hip-fractured older people over 12 months after hospital discharge. J Clin Nurs, 18(5), 755-764. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2702.2008.02611.x
  27. 劉英妹、陳美伶*(2009).護理研究之生理測量-正確性與精確度之探討.護理雜誌,56(5),60-68。
  28. Chang, P. H., Lai, Y. H., Shun, S. C., Lin, L. Y., Chen, M. L., Yang, Y., . . . Cheng, S. Y. (2008). Effects of a walking intervention on fatigue-related experiences of hospitalized acute myelogenous leukemia patients undergoing chemotherapy: a randomized controlled trial. J Pain Symptom Manage, 35(5), 524-534. doi:10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2007.06.013
  29. Chen, K. H., Chen, M. L., Lee, S., Cho, H. Y., & Weng, L. C. (2008). Self-management behaviours for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a qualitative study. J Adv Nurs, 64(6), 595-604. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2648.2008.04821.x
  30. Chen, M. L.*, Yu, C. T., & Yang, C. H. (2008). Sleep disturbances and quality of life in lung cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.Lung Cancer, 62(3), 391-400. doi:10.1016/j.lungcan.2008.03.016
  31. 胡懷文、陳美伶、廖玟君(2008).大腸直腸癌病患口服化學治療服藥遵從性之初探性研究.中山醫學雜誌,19(2),159-173。
  32. 楊千慧、陳美伶*(2008).癌症病患之症狀群集.護理雜誌,55(2),22-28。
  33. 歐淑玲、李絳桃、陳美伶、曾旭民(2008).產婦性健康自我效能量表之發展.實證護理,4(2),138-148。
  34. Chen, H. C., Chen, M. L.*, Lotus Shyu, Y. I., & Tang, W. R. (2007). Development and testing of a scale to measure caregiving load in caregivers of cancer patients in Taiwan, the care task scale-cancer.Cancer Nurs, 30(3), 223-231. doi:10.1097/01.NCC.0000270701.49543.64
  35. Chen, M. L.*, & Lin, C. C. (2007). Cancer symptom clusters: a validation study. J Pain Symptom Manage, 34(6), 590-599. doi:10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2007.01.008
  36. Tang, S. T., Chen, M. L., Huang, E. W., Koong, S. L., Lin, G. L., & Hsiao, S. C. (2007). Hospice utilization in Taiwan by cancer patients who died between 2000 and 2004. J Pain Symptom Manage, 33(4), 446-453. doi:10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2006.09.027
  37. Chen, M. L.*, & Tseng, H. C. (2006). Symptom clusters in cancer patients. Support Care Cancer, 14(8), 825-830. doi:10.1007/s00520-006-0019-8
  38. Lin, C. C., Chang, A. P., Chen, M. L., Cleeland, C. S., Mendoza, T. R., & Wang, X. S. (2006). Validation of the Taiwanese version of the Brief Fatigue Inventory. J Pain Symptom Manage, 32(1), 52-59. doi:10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2005.12.019
  39. 李秀枝、張文英、盧美秀、林佳靜、陳美伶(2006).建構癌症病人疼痛護理標準及成效評值.新臺北護理期刊,8(1),33-44。
  40. 林麗君、陳美伶、林佳靜、蔡培癸、陳秀娟(2006).手術病患疼痛處置品質之探討.長庚護理,17(1),1-10。
  41. 呂佩佩、丁興祥、陳美伶、唐婉如(2005).學術洪流中護理研究的定位-從質性研究與量化研究之源流談起.護理雜誌,52(6),76-81。
  42. 唐秀治、陳美伶、鍾國彪、賴美淑、鄭守夏、邱秀渝、邱昭華、孔憲蘭、蕭淑純(2005).臺灣癌症中心病人面向的照護品質探討.中華癌症醫學會雜誌,21(4),7-21。
  43. 陳玉萍、曾振淦、陳美伶、洪志宏、曾雁明、李弘暉(2005).放射治療之惡性腦瘤患者接受另類療法與食物觀念的調查分析.放射治療與腫瘤學,12(1),59-65。
  44. Chen, M. L.*, & Chang, H. K. (2004). Physical symptom profiles of depressed and nondepressed patients with cancer. Palliat Med, 18(8), 712-718.
  45. Chen, M. L.*, Chu, L., & Chen, H. C. (2004). Impact of cancer patients' quality of life on that of spouse caregivers. Supportive Care in Cancer, 12(7), 469-475. doi:10.1007/s00520-004-0636-z
  46. Lai, Y. H., Guo, S. L., Keefe, F. J., Tsai, S. L., Chien, C. C., Sung, Y. C., & Chen, M. L. (2004). Effects of brief pain education on hospitalized cancer patients with moderate to severe pain. Support Care Cancer, 12(9), 645-652. doi:10.1007/s00520-004-0626-1
  47. 呂佩佩、陳美伶、鍾昌宏、唐婉如(2004).癌症病患及家屬對不予急救的認知與態度.腫瘤護理雜誌,4(1),15-22。
  48. 林玲華、林佳蓉、陳美伶*(2004).癌症與非癌症手術後住院病患照顧者的負荷及其相關因素之初探.長庚護理,15(2),141-155。
  49. 陳秀娟、陳美伶*(2004).癌症病患家屬照顧者照顧工作之探討.長庚護理,15(3),258-270。
  50. Chen, M. L.* (2003). Pain and hope in patients with cancer: a role for cognition. Cancer Nurs, 26(1), 61-67.
  51. Lai, Y. H., Chen, M. L., Tsai, L. Y., Lo, L. H., Wei, L. L., Hong, M. Y., . . . Guo, S. L. (2003). Are nurses prepared to manage cancer pain? A national survey of nurses' knowledge about pain control in Taiwan. J Pain Symptom Manage, 26(5), 1016-1025.
  52. Lai, Y. H., Dalton, J. A., Belyea, M., Chen, M. L., Tsai, L. Y., & Chen, S. C. (2003). Development and testing of the pain opioid analgesics beliefs scale in Taiwanese cancer patients. J Pain Symptom Manage, 25(4), 376-385.
  53. 吳名珠、陳美伶、陳淑卿、劉會平(2003).肺部手術病患術後疼痛、疲倦及希望之相關性探討.新臺北護理期刊,5(1),25-36。
  54. 楊翠雲、陳美伶、王宏銘(2003).肌肉放鬆於化學治療期間噁心及嘔吐之成效.長庚護理,14(4),353-365。
  55. Chen, M. L.*, & Hu, L. C. (2002). The generalizability of Caregiver Strain Index in family caregivers of cancer patients. Int J Nurs Stud, 39(8), 823-829.
  56. 李梅琛、賴裕和、陳美伶、劉淑娟(2002).健康控制重心信念對術後病患使用非藥物疼痛因應策略之相關性.醫護科技學刊,4(1),49-62。
  57. 林玲華、陳景彥、劉嘉逸、陳美伶*(2002).癌症住院病患憂鬱狀態的盛行率及預測因素.臺灣醫學,6(4),535-545。
  58. 徐麗琴、林佳靜、賴裕和、陳美伶(2002).腫瘤護理人員對癌痛之評估及處置與相關因素探討.新臺北護理期刊,4(2),29-38。
  59. Chen, M.L.*, Deng, S.L., & Chang, H.K. (2001). A comparison of the health locus of control and perceived social support between cancer and AIDS patients. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 15(1), 92-98. doi:10.1046/j.1471-6712.2001.1510092.x
  60. Yeh, C. H., Chen, M. L., Li, W., & Chuang, H. L. (2001). The Chinese version of the Parenting Stress Index: a psychometric study. Acta Paediatr, 90(12), 1470-1477.
  61. 向肇英、賴裕和、吳志雄、陳美伶、黃采薇(2001).探討衛教護理處置對乳癌婦女焦慮及術後疼痛改善之成效.新臺北護理期刊,3(1),91-102。
  62. 江靜儀、陳美伶*、余文彬、黃慈心(2001).接受放射線治療之腦瘤病患其身心困擾之探討.長庚護理,12(4),271-281。
  63. 李梅琛、賴裕和、陳美伶、劉淑娟(2001).病人疼痛特質與疼痛信念對手術後使用止痛藥物之影響.護理雜誌,48(1),49-58。
  64. 胡綾眞、陳美伶*、陳明岐、林佳靜、林玲華(2001).轉移性癌症病患之居家主要照顧者的照顧負荷及其影響因素.長庚護理,12(4),282-293。
  65. 曾素美、翁麗雀、陳美伶*(2001).接受部分胃切除手術的胃癌病患術後進食情況及其相關因素之探討.長庚護理,12(3),208-219。
  66. 楊嘉玲、陳美伶*(2001).Q研究法之簡介.長庚護理,12(2),144-153。
  67. Chen, M. L.*, Chang, H. K., & Yeh, C. H. (2000). Anxiety and depression in Taiwanese cancer patients with and without pain. J Adv Nurs, 32(4), 944-951.
  68. Yeh, C. H., Lee, T. T., Chen, M. L., & Li, W. (2000). Adaptational process of parents of pediatric oncology patients. Pediatr Hematol Oncol, 17(2), 119-131. doi:10.1080/088800100276479
  69. 蔡琇文、賴裕和、陳美伶、陳主智(2000).癌症疼痛生理感覺特質與疾病不確定感關係之探討.護理研究,8(1),59-70。
  70. Chen, M. L.* (1999). Validation of the structure of the perceived meanings of cancer pain inventory. J Adv Nurs, 30(2), 344-351.
  71. Shyu, Y. I., Lee, H. C., & Chen, M. L. (1999). Development and testing of the Family Caregiving Consequences Inventory for home nursing assessment in Taiwan. J Adv Nurs, 30(3), 646-654.
  72. 陳佩英、史麗珠、王正旭、賴裕和、張獻崑、陳美伶*(1999).疼痛對癌症病患焦慮與憂鬱之影響.臺灣醫學,3(4),373-382。
  73. 陳美伶*(1997).癌症疼痛的意義.護理新象,7(8),1-8。