連續健康照護模式研究室(Continuous Health Care Model Lab)





出院準備服務 出院過渡期照護






主持人 徐亞瑛教授

共同主持人 邱逸榛副教授 蔡佳玲講師 王鐘賢教授(物理治療學系)

吳基銓教授(長庚醫院外傷骨科) 鄭惠信醫師(長庚醫院一般內科) 陳獻宗教授(長庚醫院神經內科) 黃錦章教授(長庚醫院神經內科)

徐文俊主治醫師(長庚醫院神經內科) 郭弘周主治醫師(長庚醫院神經內科) 畢業研究生

105 吳素綿() 王曉萍() 陳信豪 陳盈君 徐佩琪

104 沈美杏 王明秋

103 陳玫蓁 簡芳琪

102 楊清姿() 郭玟佑 詹玉容 洪玉敏 黃燕秋

101 曾明月() 王玉女() 黃月芳() 黃春惠 王春琇 李雅芬

100 何瓊芳()

99 黃惠玲() 郭麗敏() 張慈君

97 黎小娟() 易曉吟

95 張珍珍 歐淑惠

94 陳靜珍 劉錦螢 溫婉伶

93 郭惠敏 朱育瑩 徐美華 劉玉雅

92 鄧惠琴 李小菁 劉瓊玫 謝秀婉 劉惠賢 呂欣欣 梁雅芬

90 陳錦茗 葉秀珍 楊惠如

89 陳美慧 黃惠玲 王曉萍

88 曾明月 何瓊芳 周淑娟

87 簡素葉 李惠蘭 葉湘芬 洪娟娟 蔡秀欣 蔡孟蓉 黃敏鳳 楊嘉玲

86 李以文 蘇婷雅 趙櫻花

85 陳芷如 王玉女 林秀純

84 謝玉玲 楊怡君

博士後研究員 楊清姿 劉心筠

研究助理(現任) 王怡婷 林雅琪 余秀玲 楊淑芳 蘇佩玲 劉錦螢 鄧惠琴(博士生) Wantonoro(博士生)


Patricia G. Archbold - Consultant, The John A. Hartford Foundation's Building Academic Geriatric

Nursing Capacity Scholars Program

Jersey Liang - Professor, School of Public Health, and Senior Research Scientist, Institute of Gerontology, University of Michigan



出院老人及其照顧者出院需求量表之發展 (國衛院)


針對住院老人及其照顧者之護士主導的出院準備服務模式 (國科會)


針對老年關節骨折病人之介入措施模式 (國衛院)


失智症患者家庭照護過程之理論建構 (國科會)


社區老人健康狀況及醫療資源使用情形遠距監測之準備研究-老人跨專業研究計劃 (長庚醫院)


社區老人環境品質對醫療資源使用之影響 (長庚醫院)


台灣及美國失智症患者之家庭照護-跨國性家庭照護量表發展及檢視 (國科會)


過渡期的家庭照顧:擴展「角色調頻」模式於自閉症患童之家庭 (國科會)


失智症老人行為問題之介入措施模式 (衛生署)


針對老年關節骨折病人之三種照護模式 (國衛院)


台灣及美國失智症患者之家庭照護-跨國性家庭照護量表發展及檢視 (國科會)


糖尿病老年病患髖部骨折後照顧模式之發展及其成效探討 (國衛院)


老年病患髖部骨折手術後心血管併發症之觀察研究 (國科會)


失智症老人家庭照顧者的影響:「尋找平衡點」量表切分點及其對照顧者健康歷程之影響 (長庚醫院)


輕度認知障礙疾病歷程中家庭照顧者照顧過程之理論建構與理論為基礎之介入方案 (國科會)


認知功能缺損之老年病患髖部骨折術後恢復及家庭照護過程:根理論研究 (科技部)


針對認知功能缺損之髖部骨折老年病患及其家庭照顧者之照護模式 (國衛院)


Wang, C.-L., Kuo, L.-M., Chiu, Y.-C., Huang, H.-L., Huang, H.-L., Hsu, W.-C., Lu, C.-H., Huang, T.-H.,

Huang, S., & Shyu, Y.-I. L.* (in press). Protective preparation: A process central to family caregivers of persons with mild cognitive impairment. International Psychogeriatrics.

Huang, H. L., Weng, L. C., Hu, W. Y., Shyu, Y. L., Yu, W. P., & Chen, K. H. (in press). End-of-life care discussion for residents with dementia in long-term care facilities. Journal of Nursing Research.

Liu, H.-Y., Yang, C.-T., Tseng, M.-Y., Chen, C.-Y., Wu, C.-C., Cheng, H.-S., Lin, Y.-E, & Shyu, Y.-I. L.*

(in press). Trajectories in postoperative recovery of elderly hip-fracture patients at risk for depression: A follow-up study. Rehabilitation Psychology.

Chen, L.-H., Liang, J., Chen, M.-C., Wu, C.-C., Cheng, H.-S., Wang, H.-H., & Shyu, Y.-I. L.* (2017).

The relationship between preoperative American Society of Anesthesiologists Physical Status Classification scores and functional recovery following hip-fracture surgery. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders,18(1), 410.

Liu, H.-Y., Yang, C.-T., Wang, Y.-N., Hsu, W.-C., Huang, T.-H., Lin, Y.-E, Liu C.-Y., & Shyu, Y.-I. L.*

(2017). Balancing competing needs mediates the association of caregiving demand with caregiver role strain and depressive symptoms of dementia caregivers: A cross-sectional study. Journal of Advanced Nursing. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1111/jan.13379

Kuo, L.-M., Huang, H.-L., Liang, J., Kwok, Y.-T., Hsu, W.-C., Liu, J.-Y., & Shyu, Y.-I. L.* (2017).

Trajectories of health-related quality of life among family caregivers of individuals with dementia: A home-based caregiver-training program matters. Geriatric Nursing, 38(2), 124-132.

Yeh, H.-F., Shao, J.-H., Li, C.-L., Wu, C.-C., & Shyu, Y.-I.* (2017). Predictors of postoperative falls in the first and second postoperative years among elderly hip fracture patients. Journal of Clinical Nursing. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1111/jocn.13743

Chang, H.-Y., Shyu, Y.-I. L., Wong, M.-K., Chu, T.-L., Lo, Y.-Y., & Teng, C.-I.* (2017.4). How does

burnout impact the three components of nursing professional commitment? Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1111/scs.12425

Wang, C.-L., Shyu, Y.-I. L.,* Wang, J.-Y., & Lu, C.-H. (2017). Progressive compensatory symbiosis: Spouse caregiver experiences of caring for persons with dementia in Taiwan. Aging & Mental Health, 21(3), 241-252.

Kuo, L.-M., Huang, H.-L., Liang, J., Kwok, Y.-T., Hsu, W.-C., Su P.-L., & Shyu, Y.-I. L.* (2017). A

randomised controlled trial of a home-based training programme to decrease depression in family caregivers of persons with dementia. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 73(3), 585-598.

Wang, H.-P., Liang, J., Kuo, L.-M., & Shyu, Y.-I. L.* (2017). Trajectories of nutritional status and cognitive impairment among older Taiwanese with hip fracture. Journal of Nutrition Health & Aging, 21(1), 38-45.

Huang, Y.-F., Liang, J., & Shyu, Y.-I. L.* (2016). Number of comorbidities negatively influence psychological outcomes of the elderly following hip fracture in Taiwan. Journal of Aging & Health, 28(8), 1343-1361.

Wang, H.-H., Shyu, Y.-I. L., Chang, H.-Y., Bai, Y.-B., Stanaway, F., Lin, J.-D., & Li, C.-L.* (2016).

Prevalence, characteristics, and acute care utilization of disabled older adults with an absence of help for activities of daily living: Findings from a nationally representative survey. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 67, 28-33.

Tseng, M.-Y., Shyu, Y.-I. L., Liang, J.,* & Tsai, W. C. (2016). Interdisciplinary intervention reduced the risk of being persistently depressive among older patients with hip fracture. Geriatrics & Gerontology International, 16(10), 1145-1152. Equal contribution

Kuo, L.-M., Huang, H.-L., Hsu, W.-C., Wang, Y.-T., & Shyu, Y.-I. L.* (2016). Home-based caregiver training: Benefits differ by care receivers' dementia diagnosis. Geriatric Nursing, 37, 376-384.

Chen, K. H.,* Liu, C. Y., Shyu, Y. I. L., & Yeh, S. L. (2016). Living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: The process of self-managing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The Journal of Nursing Research, 24(3), 262-271.

Shyu, Y.-I. L.,* Liang, J., Tseng, M.-Y., Li, H.-J., Wu, C.-C., Cheng, H.-S., Chou, S.-W., Chen, C.-Y., &

Yang, C.-T. (2016). Enhanced interdisciplinary care improves self-care ability and decreases emergency department visits for older Taiwanese patients over 2 years after hip-fracture surgery: A randomised controlled trial. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 56, 54-62.

Chen, S.-H., Shyu, Y.-I. L., Ko, Y. S., Kung, H. L., & Shao, J.-H.* (2016). Perceptions about eating experiences of low-literate older adults with heart disease: A qualitative study. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 72, 802-812.

Kuo, W., Shyu, Y.-I. L.,* Wang, J.-S., Chen, M.-C., Wu, C.-C., & Huang, Y.-F. (2016). The impact of sleep duration on recovery post-hip fracture among older diabetic adults in Taiwan. Geriatric Nursing, 37(2), 137-144.

Tseng, M.-Y., Liang, J., Shyu, Y.-I. L.,* Wu, C.-C., Cheng, H.-S., Chen, C.-Y., & Yang, S.-F. (2016).

Effects of interventions on trajectories of health-related quality of life among older patients with hip fracture: A prospective randomized controlled trial. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 17(1), 114.

Chang, H.-Y., Shyu, Y.-I. L., Wong, M. K., Friesner, D., Chu, T.-L., & Teng, C.-I.* (2015). Which aspects of professional commitment can effectively retain nurses in the nursing profession? Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 47(5), 468-476.

Liu, H.-Y., Yang, C.-T., Cheng, H.-S., Wu, C.-C., Chen, C.-Y., & Shyu, Y.-I. L.* (2015). Family

caregivers' mental health is associated with postoperative recovery of elderly patients with hip fracture: A sample in Taiwan. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 78, 452-458.

Huang, H.-L., Shyu, Y.-I. L.,* Chen, M.-C., Huang, C.-C., Kuo, H.-C., Chen, S.-T., & Hsu, W.-C.

(2015). Family caregivers’ role implementation at different stages of dementia. Clinical Interventions in Aging, 2015(10), 135-146.

Kuo, L.-M., Huang, H.-L., Hsu, W.-C., & Shyu, Y.-I. L.* (2014). Health-related quality of life and self-efficacy of managing behavior problems for family caregivers of vascular dementia and Alzheimer‘s disease patients. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, 38(5-6), 310-320.

Liu, H.-Y., Wang, Y.-N., Huang, H.-L., Hsu, W.-C., Lin, Y.-E, Huang, T.-H., & Shyu, Y.-I. L.* (2014).

Psychometric properties of the finding a balance scale for family caregivers of elders with dementia in Taiwan. Research in Nursing & Health, 37, 336-346.

Wang, H.-H., Sheu, J.-T., Shyu, Y.-I. L., Chang, H.-Y., & Li, C.-L.* (2014). Geriatric conditions as predictors of increased number of hospital admissions and hospital bed days over one year: Findings of a nationwide cohort of older adults from Taiwan. Archives of Gerontology & Geriatrics, 59(1), 169-174.

Liu, H.-Y., Tseng, M.-Y., Li, H.-J., Wu, C.-C., Cheng, H.-S., Yang, C.-T., Chou, S.-W., Chen, C.-Y., &

Shyu, Y.-I. L.* (2014). Comprehensive care improves physical recovery of hip-fractured elderly Taiwanese patients with poor nutritional status. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 15, 416-422.

Yang, C.-T., Liu, H.-Y., & Shyu, Y.-I. L.* (2014). Dyadic relational resources and role strain in family caregivers of persons living with dementia at home: A cross-sectional survey. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 51, 593-602.

Huang, Y.-F., Liang, J., & Shyu, Y.-I. L.* (2014). Ageism perceived by the elderly in Taiwan following hip fracture. Archives of Gerontology & Geriatrics, 58(1), 30-36.

Shyu, Y.-I. L., Tseng, M.-Y., Liang, J.,* Tsai, W.-C., Wu, C.-C., & Cheng, H.-S. (2013).

Interdisciplinary intervention decreases cognitive impairment for older Taiwanese with hip fracture: Two-year follow-up. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 28, 1222-1231.

Huang, H.-L., Kuo, L.-M., Chen, Y.-S., Liang, J., Huang, H.-L., Chiu, Y.-C., Chen, S.-T., Sun, Y., Hsu, W.-C., & Shyu, Y.-I. L.* (2013). A home-based training program improves caregivers’ skills and dementia patients‘ aggressive behaviors: A randomized controlled trial. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 21, 1060-1070.

Shao, J.-H., Chang, A. M., Edwards, H., Shyu, Y.-I. L., & Chen, S. H.* (2013). A randomized controlled trial of self-management programme improves health-related outcomes of older people with heart failure. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 69, 2458-2469.

Chiu, Y.-C.,* Huang, C.-Y., Kolanowski, A. M., Huang, H.-L., Shyu, Y.-I. L., Lee, S.-H., Lin, C.-R., Hsu, W.-C. (2013). The effects of participation in leisure activities on neuropsychiatric symptoms of persons with cognitive impairment: A cross-sectional study. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 50, 1314-1325.

Huang, H.-L.,* Shyu, Y.-I. L., Huang, H.-L., Chen, S.-T., Li, H.-J., Shiu, M.-N., & Pong, M.-C. (2013).

Factors associated with dementia care practices among community health nurses: Results of a postal survey. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 50, 1219-1228.

Li, H.-J., Cheng, H.-S., Liang, J., Wu, C.-C., & Shyu, Y.-I. L.* (2013). Functional recovery of older people with hip fracture: Does malnutrition make a difference? Journal of Advanced Nursing, 69, 1691-1703.

Shyu, Y.-I. L.,* Liang, J., Tseng, M.-Y., Li, H.-J., Wu, C.-C., Cheng, H.-S., Chou, S.-W., Chen, C.-Y., &

Yang, C.-T. (2013). Comprehensive and subacute care interventions improve health-related quality of life for older patients after surgery for hip fracture: A randomised controlled trial.

International Journal of Nursing Studies, 50, 1013-1024.

Kuo, L.-M., Huang, H.-L., Huang, H.-L., Liang, J., Chiu, Y.-C., Chen, S.-T., Kwok, Y.-T., Hsu, W.-C., &

Shyu, Y.-I. L.* (2013). A home-based training program improves Taiwanese family caregivers’ quality of life and decreases their risk for depression: A randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 28, 504-513.

Wang, Y.-N., Shyu, Y.-I. L.,* Tsai, W.-C., Yang, P.-S., & Yao, G. (2013). Exploring conflict between caregiving and work for caregivers of elders with dementia: A cross-sectional, correlational study. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 69, 1051-1062.

Shyu, Y.-I. L.,* Liang, J., Tseng, M.-Y., Li, H.-J., Wu, C.-C., Cheng, H.-S., Yang, C.-T., Chou, S.-W., &

Chen, C.-Y. (2013). Comprehensive care improves health outcomes among elderly Taiwanese patients with hip fracture. The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 68(2), 188-197.

Tseng, M.-Y., Shyu, Y.-I. L., & Liang, J.* (2012). Functional recovery of older hip-fracture patients after interdisciplinary intervention follows three distinct trajectories. The Gerontologist, 52,

833-842. Equal contribution

Huang, Y.-F., Shyu, Y.-I. L.,* Liang, J., Chen, M.-C., Cheng, H.-S., & Wu, C.-C. (2012). Diabetes and health outcomes among older Taiwanese with hip fracture. Rejuvenation Research, 15,


Ho, C.-F., Maa, S.-H.,* Shyu, Y.-I. L., Lai, Y.-T., Hung, T.-C., & Chen, H.-C. (2012). Effectiveness of paced walking to music at home for patients with COPD. COPD: Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, 9, 447-457.

Tsai, W.-C., Soong, W.-T., & Shyu, Y.-I. L.* (2012). Toddler autism screening questionnaire: Development and potential clinical validity. Autism, 16, 340-349.

Gallagher-Thompson, D., Tzuang, Y. M., Au, A., Brodaty, H., Charlesworth, G., Gupta, R., Lee, S. E.,

Losada, A., & Shyu, Y.-I. (2012). International perspectives on nonpharmacological best practices for dementia family caregivers: A review. Clinical Gerontologist, 35, 316-355.

Cheng, C-M, Chiu, M-J., Wang, J-H., Liu, H-C., Shyu, Y-I. L., Huang, G-H., & Chen, C. C.-H.* (2012).

Cognitive stimulation during hospitalization improves global cognition of older Taiwanese undergoing elective total knee and hip replacement surgery. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 68, 1322-1329.

Shyu, Y.-I. L.,* Tsai, W.-C., Chen, M.-C., Liang, J., Cheng, H.-S., Wu, C.-C., Su, J.-Y., & Chou, S.-W.

(2012). Two-year effects of an interdisciplinary intervention on recovery following hip fracture in older Taiwanese with cognitive impairment. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 27, 529-538.

Teng, C.-I.,* Shyu, Y.-I. L., Dai, Y.-T., Wong, M.-K., Chu, T.-L., & Chou, T.-A. (2012). Nursing

accreditation system and patient safety. Journal of Nursing Management, 20, 311-318.

Shyu, Y.-I. L.,* Chen, M.-C., Liang, J., & Tseng, M.-Y. (2012). Trends in health outcomes for family caregivers of hip-fractured elders during the rst 12 months after discharge. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 68, 658-666.

Tang, S.-T.,* Huang, E. W., Shyu, Y.-I. L., Liu, T.-W., & Hsiao, S. C. (2012). Impact of age on

end-of-life care for adult Taiwanese cancer decedents, 2001-2006. Pallitative Medicine, 26(1), 80-88.

Wu, C.-C., Wang, C.-J., & Shyu, Y.-I. L. (2011). Variations in bone mineral density of proximal femora of elderly people with hip fractures: A case-control analysis. Journal of Trauma - Injury, Infection and Critical Care, 71, 1720-1725.

Lin, P.-C., Lin, L.-C.,* Shyu, Y.-I. L., & Hua, M.-S. (2011). Predictors of pain in nursing home residents with dementia: A cross-sectional study. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 20, 1849-1857.

Li, C.-L.,* Chang, H.-Y., & Shyu, Y.-I. L. (2011). The excess mortality risk of diabetes associated with functional decline in older adults: Results from a 7-year follow-up of a nationwide cohort in Taiwan. BMC Public Health, 11, 953.

Wang, Y.-N., Shyu, Y.-I. L.,* Chen, M.-C., & Yang, P.-S. (2011). Reconciling work and family caregiving among adult-child family caregivers of older people with dementia: Effects on role strain and depressive symptoms. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 67, 829-840.

Kuo, L.-M., & Shyu, Y.-I. L.* (2010). Process of ambivalent normalisation: Experience of family caregivers of elders with mild cognitive impairment in Taiwan. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 19, 3477-3484.

Shyu, Y.-I. L., Tsai, J.-L., & Tsai, W.-C. * (2010). Explaining and selecting treatments for autism: Parental explanatory models in Taiwan. Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders, 40, 1323-1331.

Shyu, Y.-I. L.,* Yang, C.-T., Huang, C.-C., Kuo, H.-C., Chen, S.-T., & Hsu, W.-C. (2010). Influences of mutuality, preparedness and balance on caregivers of patients with dementia. The Journal of Nursing Research, 18(3), 155-163.

Shyu, Y.-I. L.,* Chen, M.-C., Wu, C.-C., & Cheng, H.-S. (2010). Family caregivers’ needs predict functional recovery of older care recipients after hip fracture. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 66, 2450-2459.

Chen, C. J., Kendall, J., & Shyu, Y. I. (2010). Grabbing the rice straw: Health information seeking in Chinese immigrants in the United States. Clinical Nursing Research, 19, 335-353.

Teng, C.-I.,* Shyu, Y.-I. L., Chiou, W.-K., Fan, H.-C., & Lam, S. M. (2010). Interactive effects of nurse-experienced time pressure and burnout on patient safety: A cross-sectional survey. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 47, 1442-1450.

Shyu, Y.-I. L.,* Liang, J., Wu, C.-C., Cheng, H.-S., & Chen, M.-C., (2010). An interdisciplinary intervention for older Taiwanese patients after surgery for hip fracture improves health-related quality of life. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 11, 225.

Lin, P. C., Lin, L. C., Shyu, Y.-I. L., Hua, M. S. (2010). Chinese version of the Pain Assessment in Advanced Dementia Scale: Initial psychometric evaluation. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 66, 2360-2368.

Shyu, Y.-I. L.,* Kuo, L.-M., Chen, M.-C., & Chen, S.-T. (2010). A clinical trial of an individualised intervention programme for family caregivers of older stroke victims in Taiwan. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 19, 1675-1685.

Shyu, Y.-I. L.,* Liang, J., Wu, C.-C., Su, J.-Y., Cheng, H.-S., Chou, S.-W., Chen, M.-C., Yang, C.-T., &

Tseng, M.-Y. (2010). Two-year effects of interdisciplinary intervention for hip fracture in older Taiwanese. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 58, 1081-1089.

Shyu, Y.-I. L.,* Cheng, H.-S., Teng, H.-C., Chen, M.-C., Wu, C.-C., & Tsai, W.-C. (2009). Older

people with hip fracture: depression in the post-operative first year. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 65, 2514-2522.

Shyu, Y.-I. L., Maa, S.-H., Chen, S.-T., & Chen, M.-C. (2009). Quality of life among older stroke patients in Taiwan during the first year after discharge. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 18, 2320-2328.

Huang, H.-L., Shyu, Y.-I. L.,* Chen, S.-T., & Hsu, W.-C. (2009). Caregiver self-efficacy for managing behavioural problems of older people with dementia in Taiwan correlates with care receivers’ behavioural problems. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 18, 2588-2595.

Shyu, Y.-I. L.,* Chen, M.-L., Chen, M.-C., Wu, C.-C., & Su, J.-Y. (2009). Postoperative pain and its impact on quality of life for hip-fractured older people over 12 months after hospital discharge. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 18, 755-764.

Teng, C.-I., Dai, Y.-T., Shyu, Y.-I. L., Wong, M.-K., Chu, T.-L., & Tsai, Y.-H. (2009). Professional commitment, patient safety, and patient-perceived care quality. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 41(3), 301-309.

Shyu, Y.-I. L., Lu, J. R., & Chen, S.-T. (2009). Psychometric testing of the SF-36 Taiwan version on older stroke patients. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 18, 1451-1459.

Wu, C.-C., Wang, C.-J., & Shyu, Y.-I. L. (2009). More aggravated osteoporosis in lateral trochanter compared to femoral neck with age: Contributing age difference between inter-trochanteric and femoral neck fractures in elderly patients. Injury, 40, 1093-1097.

Huang, H. L., Shyu, Y. I., Chang, M. Y., Weng, L. C., & Lee, I. (2009). Willingness to use respite care among family caregivers in Northern Taiwan. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 18(2), 191-198.

Lau, W. Y. A., Shyu, Y. I. L., Lin, L. C., & Yang, P. S. (2008). Institutionalized elders with dementia: Collaboration between family caregivers and nursing home staff in Taiwan. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 17, 482-490.

Shyu, Y.-I. L., Chen, M.-C., Chen, S.-T., Wang, H.-P., & Shao, J.-H. (2008). A family caregiver-oriented discharge-planning program for older stroke patients and their family caregivers. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 17, 2497-2508.

Shyu, Y.-I. L., Liang, J., Wu, C.-C., Su, J.-Y., Cheng, H.-S., Chou, S.-W., Chen, M.-C., & Yang, C.-T.

(2008). Interdisciplinary intervention for hip fracture in older Taiwanese: Benefits last for one year. Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences, 63(1), 92-97.

Chiu, Y.-C., Shyu, Y., Liang, J., & Huang, H.-L. (2008). Measure of quality of life for Taiwanese persons with early to moderate dementia and related factors. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 23, 580-585.

Tsai, W.-C., Tsai, J.-L., & Shyu, Y.-I. L. (2008). Integrating the nurturer-trainer roles: Parental and behavior/symptom management processes for mothers of children with autism. Social Science & Medicine, 67, 1798-1806.

Huang, H.-L.,* Shyu, Y.-I. L., Yeh Chang, M., Weng, L.-C., & Lee, I. (2008). Willingness to use respite care among family caregivers in northern Taiwan. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 18, 191-198.

Shyu, Y.-I. L., Chen, M.-C., Cheng, H.-S., Deng, H.-C., Liang, J., Wu, C.-C., & Tsai W.-C. (2008).

Severity of depression risk predicts health outcomes and recovery following surgery for hip-fractured elders. Osteoporosis International, 19, 1541-1547.

Teng, C.-I., Shyu, Y.-I. L., & Chang, H.-Y. (2007). Moderating effects of professional commitment for hospital nurses in Taiwan. Journal of Professional Nursing, 23(1), 47-54.

Fawcett, J., Lavoie, M., & Shyu Y. I. L. (2007). Nursing, healthcare, and culture: Views from Canada and Taiwan for the year 2050. Nursing Science Quarterly, 20(1), 51-55.

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