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Yi-Chen Chiu

Yi-Chen Chiu



Contact Information


  • PhD University of Maryland at Baltimore, Maryland
  • MS  University of California, San Francisco, California
  • BS   National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan


  • 2001   Research Award of National Science Council, Taiwan
  • 2000   Research Award of National Science Council, Taiwan
  • 1999   Research Award of National Science Council, Taiwan
  • 1998   Research Award of National Science Council, Taiwan


  • Symptoms management in cancer patients
  • Patient-reported outcome measurement


  • Advance Medical-Surgical Nursing Practicum I & II (master program-nursing)
  • Quantitative Nursing Research (master program-nursing)
  • Measurement: Theory and Application (doctoral program-nursing)
  • Research Methodology (master program-medical education-)
  • Advance Medical-Surgical Nursing I & II (master program-nursing)


  1. 早期至中期失智症患者活動介入措施 (NSC, 2008-2009)
  2. 失智症之遊走行為及家庭照顧者之壓力 (NSC, 2006-2008)
  3. 失智症家庭照護者之休閒活動及心理福祉 (CMRP, 2006-2006)
  4. 失智症老人行為問題之介入措施模式 (行政院衛生署, 2005-2006)
  5. 失智症患者之急性住院問題探討及改善方案研究 (行政院衛生署, 2005-2007)
  6. 早期失智患者及其家屬之生活品質和相關因素探討 (第二年) (CMRPD, 2005-2005)
  7. 失智症家庭照護者之注意力疲乏和憂鬱 (第一年) (NSC, 2004-2005)
  8. 早期失智患者及其家屬之生活品質和相關因素探討 (第一年) (CMRPD, 2004-2004)
  9. 注意力需求、注意力損傷和走失行為於早期阿茲海默氏病之病患 (NSC, 2003-2004)


  1. Chiu, Y. C.*, Chiu, Y.F., Hsu, W. C., Lee, S. H., Chen, S. T., Kao, H. Y. (2010). Developing a Chinese quality of life in dementia instrument for patients with early-to-moderate dementia: An exploratory test of validity. Journal of Clinical Nursing . 19(15-16), 2174-2184. (SCI/SSCI)
  2. Huang, H.L., Chang, M.Y., Tang, J.S., Chiu, Y.C., Weng, L. C. (2009).Determinants of the discrepancy in patient- and caregiver-rated quality of life for persons with dementia. Journal of Clinical Nursing.18(22).3107-3117. (SCI/SSCI)
  3. Chiu, Y. C.*, Hsu, W. C., & Algase, D. L. (2009). Validation of the Chinese Revised Algase Wandering Scale-community version for persons with dementia in northern Taiwan. Aging and Mental Health(Accepted) (SCI/SSCI)
  4. Chiu, Y. C.*, Li, C. L., Lin, K. N., Chiu, Y. F.,& Liu, H. C. (2008). Sensitivity and specificity of the clock drawing test, incorporating Rouleau scoring system, as a screening instrument for questionable and mild dementia: scale development. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 45(1), 75-84. (SCI/SSCI)
  5. Chiu, Y. C.*, Shyu, Y. I., Liang, J., Huang, H. L. (2008). Measure of quality of life for Taiwanese persons with early to moderate dementia and related factors. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 23, 580-585. (SCI/SSCI)
  6. Hsu,W. C., Chiu,Y. C., Tang, L.Y., Lee,S. H., Chen,S. T. (2007). Dementia in the elderly at an acute hospitalization setting: a case control study in Taiwan. International Psychogeriatrics, 19(S1), 236-237. (SCI/SSCI)
  7. Chiu, Y. C.* Algase, D., Liang, J., Liu, H. C., Lin, K. N. (2005).Conceptualization and measurement of getting lost behavior in persons with early dementia. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 20 (8), 760-768. (SCI/SSCI)
  8. Switzer, B. R., Atwood, J. R., stark, A., Hatch, J. W., Travis, R., Ullrich, F., Lyden, E. R, Wu, X., Chiu, Y. C., Smith, J. L. (2005). Plasma carotenoid and vitamins A and E concentrations in older African American women after wheat bran supplementation: effects of age, body mass and smoking history. Journal of American College of Nutrition, 24(3), 217-226. (SCI )
  9. Chiu, Y. C.* Algase, D., Whall, A., Liang, J., Liu, H.C., Lin, K.N., Wnag, P. N. (2004). Getting lost: Directed attention and executive functions in early Alzheimer's disease patients. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, 17(3), 174-180. (SCI)
  10. Lin, K.N., Wang, P.N., Chen, C., Chiu, Y.H., Kuo, C.C., Chuang, Y.Y., & Liu, H.C. (2003). The Three-Item Clock-Drawing Test: A Simplified Screening Test for Alzheimer’s disease. European Neurology, 49(1), 53-58. (SCI)
  11. 邱逸榛*、李怡濃、徐文俊、陳獻宗、林佳琳、王鵬智(2010).失智症家庭照顧睡眠障礙及其相關因素.護理雜誌`,57(4),29-39。
  12. 邱逸榛(2009).巴金森氏症/多發性硬化症與素食。在黃建勳編著、食全食美(第24章,83-86頁)。台北市:全養知國際。
  13. 邱逸榛(2009).憂鬱症/失智症與素食。在黃建勳編著、食全食美(第23章,頁81-82)。台北市:全養知國際。
  14. 張珍珍、徐亞瑛*、邱逸榛、陳明歧(2009).影響失智症家庭照顧者其照顧酬賞與照顧品質的相關因素之探討.長庚護理,20(2),155-166。
  15. 邱逸榛, 黃舒萱, 徐亞瑛. (2004). 阿茲海默氏症患者家庭照顧者之疲憊, 負荷與憂鬱之間的關係. 長期照護雜誌, 7(4), 338-351.
  16. 邱逸榛* 、何玉婷、陳婉庭、徐亞瑛(2004).簡介阿茲海默氏症與期照護.長期照護雜誌,7(4),289-304。