



Chi-Wen Chang, RN, PhD





  • PhD  陽明大學護理學博士  2013
  • MS  
  • BS   


T1D、Parenting Experience、Systematic Literature Review & Meta-analysis




  1. 第1 型糖尿病童主要照顧者之健康照護需求:系列研究(2019-2021)
  2. 探討環境因素對罹患第1型糖尿病的影響:病例對照研究(2018-2018)
  3. 教養方式對新診斷第1型糖尿病學童之代謝控制與生活品質的影響:長期追蹤研究(2015-2017)
  4. 教養方式對第1型糖尿病學童代謝控制、遵從行為與生活品質的影響(2014-2015)
  5. 以課室併網路教學與實作之混合學習方式修習實證相關課程的立即與中期成效(2013-2015)
  6. e化協助"實證健康照顧"新課程之成效探討(2011-2012)
  7. 氣喘病童及家屬之遵從行為(2008-2012)
  8. 兒癌病童及家屬面對醫療決定之不確定性(2/2)(2007-2008)
  9. 兒癌病童及家屬面對醫療決定之不確定性(1/2)(2006-2007)
  10. 第一型糖尿病學童因應策略之探討 (, 2000-2001)


  1. C. M. Chu, H. M. Hsu, C. W. Chang, Y. K. Li, Y. J. Chang, J. C. Yu, C. T. Chen, C. E. Jian, M. C. Lin, K. H. Chen, M. H. Kuo, C. S. Cheng, Y. T. Chang, Y. S. Wu, H. Y. Wu, Y. T. Yang, J. M. Hu, Y. T. Chang (2021). Genetic coexpression networks contribute to creating predictive model and exploring novel biomarkers for the prognosis of breast cancer. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 7268.
  2. W. H. Tsai, Y. S. Wu, C. S. Cheng, M. H. Kuo, Y. T. Chang, F. K. Hu, C. A. Sun, C. W. Chang, C. C. Lee, T. C. Chan, C. W. Chen, F. Tang, C. M. Chu (2021). An Internet Survey with the Technology Acceptance Model for Deploying Masks in Combating COVID-19: Structural Equation Modeling Analysis of My Health Bank in Taiwan. Journal of Medical Internet Research. (Accepted).
  3. Y. T. Chiang, H. Y. Yu, F. S. Lo, C. W. Chen, T. T. Huang, C. W. Chang, & P. Moonsh (2020). Emergence of a butterfly: the life experiences of type 1 diabetes Taiwanese patients during the 16-25 years old transition period. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-Being, 15, 1748362.
  4. C. Y. Wu, H. F. Lee, C. W. Chang, H. C. Chiang, Y. H. Tsai and H. E. Liu (2020). The Immediate Effects of Lavender Aromatherapy Massage versus Massage in Work Stress, Burnout, and HRV Parameters: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Article ID 8830083, 10 pages.
  5. Hsiao, P., Chiu, C. C., Lin, K. H., Hu, F. K., Tsai, P. J., Wu, C. T., Pang, Y. K., Lin, Y., Kuo, M. H., Chen, K. H., Wu, Y. S., Wu, H. Y., Chang, Y. T., Chang, Y. T., Cheng, C. S., Chuu, C. P., Lin, F. H., Chang, C. W., Li, Y. K., Chan, J. S., & Chu, C. M. (2020). Usability of Wearable Devices With a Novel Cardiac Force Index for Estimating the Dynamic Cardiac Function: Observational Study. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 8(7), e15331.
  6. H. M. Hsu, C. M. Chu, Y. J. Chang, J. C. Yu, C. T. Chen, C. E. Jian, C. Y. Lee, Y. T. Chiang, C. W. Chang, Y. T. Chang (2019). Six novel immunoglobulin genes as biomarkers for better prognosis in triple-negative breast cancer by gene co-expression network analysis. Scientific Reports, 9(1), 4484.
  7. Lai, C. Y., Lin, F. H., Chu, H., Ku, C. H., Tsai, S. H., Chung, C. H., Chien, W. C., Wu, C. H., Chu, C. M., Chang, C.W. (2018). Survival factors of hospitalized out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients in Taiwan: A retrospective study.. PLoS One, 13(2), e0191954.
  8. Wang, Y. F., Chuang, H. L., Chang, C. W., & Zauszniewski, J. A. (2018). Translation and Psychometric Analysis of the Chinese Version of the Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire for Children (DEBQ-C) in Taiwanese Preadolescents. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 39:e30-e37.
  9. Y. T. Chiang, C. W. Chang, Q. C. Zheng, Y.Y. Chiu, H. Y. Yu, & S. F. Lin (2018). Mind mapping: A creative development in pediatric nursing practice. Yuan-Yuan Nursing, 12(2),50-57. (Chinese).
  10. C. W. Chang, Y. T. Chiang, & H. Y. Yu (2017). Clinical application of therapeutic play in children. Yuan-Yuan Nursing,11(1), 44-51. DOI: 10.6530/YYN (Chinese).
  11. Chang, C. W., Yu, H. Y., Chiang,Y.T., Chen, C. W., Lo, F. S., Lee. Y. T., & Li, Y. F. 201706月)。Multiple Perspectives of Transitional Experiences among Patients with Type 1 Diabetes。長庚護理雜誌,28(2), 219-228
  12. Y. T. Chiang, H. Y. Yu, & C. W. Chang (2016). Impact of Type 1 Diabetes during the Transition Phase on Patients Aged between 16 and 25 and the Nursing Trends. Chang Gung Nursing,27 (3),342-352. (Chinese).
  13. Wang, Y. F. Chuang ,H. L., Chang, C. W.,& Zauszniewski ,J. A.(2017).Translation and Psychometric Properties of a Chinese Version of the Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire for Children in Taiwanese Preadolescents.  Western Journal of Nursing Research, 39(10):1375-1376.
  14. Chang, C. W., Mu, P. F., Jou, S. T., Wong, T. T., & Chen, Y. C. (2013). Systematic review and Meta-analysis of the non-pharmacological interventions on fatigue in children and adolescents with cancer. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing.10(4), 208-217. (SSCI,IF= 1.349 ; Ranking: 18.2 %).
  15. Lei, R. L., Chen, H. S., Huang, B. Y., Chen, Y. C., Chen, K. T., Lee, H. Y., Chang, C. W.,& Wu, C. L. (2013). Population-based study of birth prevalence and factors associated with cleft lip and/or palate in Taiwan 2002-2009. PLoS One.8(3) ,e58690. (SCI, IF =4.092;Ranking: 14.3%).
  16. Wong ,C. H., Chiang, Y. C. , Wai, P. M., Lo, F. S. , Yeh, C. H., Chung, S. C., & Chang, C. W.*(2011). Effects of a home-based aerobic exercise program on glycosylated hemoglobin and peak oxygen uptake in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 20,681-691. (* Correspondence, SCI/SSCI).
  17. Chang, C. W. , Yeh, C. H .,.,Lo, F. S., & Shih, Y. L. (2007). Adherence behaviors in Taiwanese children and adolescents with type 1 DM. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 16(7b). 207-214. (SCI/SSCI, IF =1.316;Ranking: 20.1%).
  18. Yeh, C. H, Chang, C. W., Chang, P. C. (2005). Evaluating quality of life using children’s self-report and parent proxy report. Nursing Research,54(5),354-362 (SCI , IF=1.402;Ranking: 16.8%).
  19. 姜月桃、張綺紋、鄭巧晨、邱雅儀、林淑芳、余幸宜 (201807月)。運用心智圖教學法於兒科護理臨床實習教學。源遠護理雜誌,12(2)50-57
  20. 張綺紋、余幸宜、姜月桃、陳紀雯、羅福松、李雅庭、李鈺芬(201706月)。多方觀點看第1型糖尿病個案之轉換期經驗。長庚護理,28(2),219-228
  21. 張綺紋、姜月桃、余幸宜(201703月)。兒童治療性遊戲臨床運用之探討。源遠護理,11(1)P44-51
  22. 張綺紋 (2017). 兒童內分泌系統疾病及其護理. 於陳月枝等編, 實用兒科護理(八版)(785-829).台北: 華杏.
  23. 張綺紋 (2014). 成年早期. 於蔡欣玲等編, 當代人類發展學(4版)(323-341).台北: 華杏.