辦理單位/組織 | 主題 | 時間 | 地點 | 備註/相關連結 |
亞東科技大學 | 2024全球健康議題-邁向護理教育、研究和實務之永續發展(2024 ICGH) 國際研討會 | 2024/11/29 | 亞東科技大學有庠大樓B1演藝廳 | 查看詳情 |
輔英科技大學 | 2024國際健康照護研討會 | 2024/11/29 | 輔英科技大學 | 查看詳情 |
亞洲大學 | 2025 IEEE人工智慧x醫療、健康暨照護國際研討會 | 2025/3/3-5 | 亞洲大學 | 查看詳情 |
辦理單位/組織 | 主題 | 時間 | 地點 | 備註/相關連結 |
Korean Society of Nursing Science (KSNS) | 15th INC & 18th EAFONS: Transformative Care Initiatives on Consilience of Technology and Humanity | 2025/2/13-14 | COEX, SEOUL, KOREA | 查看詳情 |
European Psychiatric Association |
33th European Congress of Psychiatry (EPA) | 2025/4/5-8 | Madrid, Spain | 查看詳情 |
Oncology Nursing Society (ONS) |
50th Annual ONS Congress: Celebrate Yesterday and Transform Tomorrow | 2025/4/9-13 | Denver, USA | 查看詳情 |
International of Nurses NP/APN |
International Council of Nurses |
2025/6/9-13 | 赫爾辛基,芬蘭 | 查看詳情 |
Cancer Nurses Society of Australia (CNSA) & International Conference on Cancer Nursing (ICCN) |
CNSA & ICCN 2025: Global Voices, Local Actions: From Inspiration to Implementation. | 2025/6/18-21 | Adelaide, Australia | 查看詳情 |
6th World Nursing and Healthcare Congress |
Empowering Nurses: Inspiring Change, Inno-vating Healthcare Globally | 2025/6/23-24(實體) | 巴塞隆納,西班牙 | 查看詳情 |
Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC) International Society of Oral Oncology (ISOO) | MASCC/ISOO 2025 Annual Meeting | 2025/6/26-28 | Seattle, Washington, USA | 查看詳情 |
Cyprus Psychologists Association European Federation of Psychologists’Associations (EFPA) |
19th European Congress of Psychology (ECP): Transforming Psychological Science: the 2030 agenda | 2025/7/1-4 | Paphos, Cyprus | 查看詳情 |
SIGMA | CONGRESS | 2025/7/17-20 | 西雅圖,美國 | 查看詳情 |
Alzheimer's Association |
Alzheimer's Association International Conference (AAIC) 2025: A Global Forum to Advance Dementia Science | 2025/7/27-31 | Toronto, Canada, and Online | 查看詳情 |
Association for Medical Education in Europe |
AMEE 2025Annual Conference | 2025/8/23-27 | Barcelona, Spain | 查看詳情 |
International Psycho-Oncology Society (IPOS) |
26th Annual World Congress (2025 COSA+IPOS) | 2025/11/11-14 | Adelaide, Australia | 查看詳情 |